00h25 :
It has just been confirmed that the show has indeed started!
They're playing IRS right now. Axl's voice is perfect. Great audience!"
No they haven't played Rhiad. They did a blues jam. Now Dizzy is playing a piano solo.
The band is now playing Out Ta Get Me.
"They're doing a bunch of little jams." (probably intros and solos)
It's the encore. They haven't played Madagascar yet."
"The show just ended. A riot almost happened before the show because of the band being 2 hours late. People started throwing chairs on the audience and on stage. There was an annoucement through the P.A to tell people to calm down.
Axl didn't scream at the beginning of Jungle, the new show intro is a really loud music. They did a lot of little jams (like "I Feel Good" after Patience). Axl was all smiles at the end of the show. No surprises. The usual new songs, including There Was A Time. Ron Thal did a bit of Don't Cry during one of his solos (the band didn't play the song though) and the audience started to sing the song. Madagascar was played during the encore."
That's all I could get because people started to throw smoking candles in the audience so Allineed had to hang up.
Tłumaczenie będzie,jak wrócę z pracy,chyba,że ktoś mnie wyprzedzi,za co w sumie byłbym wdzięczny
Setlista nie jest jeszcze kompletna.