Q&A With Gilby Clarke:
Q: What inspired the sentiment of this song?
A: "The song is about having a rebellious spirit. Rock N Roll means many things. Rebelling... freedom... and being who you are on your own terms... not following whatever's now in vogue. Therefore, 'Rock n Roll Is Getting Louder' means 'I am what I am, I won't change that, and I stand up for things that are important to me, even if it's not popular."
Q: It's been awhile since you've released new music. Can you talk about the excitement of getting your new music out to the public?
A: "Beyond excited... I need the new songs as an infusion. Letting that creative outlet thrive is something most artists need."
Q: In which ways do you feel this new music may be different to your previous music?
A: "I don't think it's very different at all. I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel. I have found the music that I like as an artist and a musician. It's important that I get better at it and try new things, but I like Rock N Roll, and loud guitars are good for the soul."
Q: Can fans expect shows coming up either in America and/or overseas?
A: "Yes, as soon as we get a couple of singles out, we will start booking shows."
Q: What do you feel is the perfect recipe for creating a powerful rock song?
A: "I always start with a good guitar riff, then add the devil's drumbeat. It's good when you can put some interesting lyrics to it, too. I always try to find a new way of saying something simple. I don't like to complicate my lyrics, but I never duplicate them either."