bedzie wideo z KOHD, bedzie wyjasnienie:
KOHD (axl speaks about the show canceled)
prosze bardzo, transkrypcja z tego co powiedzial Axl, wideo w dziale koncerty
"So ... a couple nights ago we had some problems here, and I know I'm probably giving them to much credit by talking about it, but I gotta get it off my chest because I'm fucking pissed off. See, we ... we know this little scumbag back in New York and he talked about booking a show over with bunch of models and shit at his stick (?) and I told him no, but he booked it anyway. And I found out the night before the show and I was gonna go. But in the night of the show my throat was pretty fucked up from the show before and I wanna apologize if I'm not hittin' all my fucking high notes tonight. But as much as we hated to disappoint anyone then, we had to look at priorities, and it was either a couple of hundred people or all of you. And my so-called friend thought I was being selfish by not doing his show and I'm supposed to say "fuck you" to you. I didn't wanna say "fuck you" to you. So that's why that didn't happen and why we're here tonight. It's because we wanted to play the show. So are you going to help me out now? ..."
Super transkrypcja DrDrei (pozwoliłam sobie nanieść małe popraweczki - ja to przynajmniej tak słyszę, to co wyboldowałam

+ fragment z twit'a Axla "After a bunch of meds, about 2 1/2+ hrs of warmups, r show n' another hour of warmdowns we'll b headin' into Rio for r show there. This was hard comin' as all anyone bsides the band thinks about is the money. Who gives a fuck about the fans, how it sounds or if it fucks up the rest of the tour?! I don't perform for ANYONE in this industry n' no matter how nice, funny or what spin they put on things they're seemingly n' unfortunately all the same. We had a good show here in Sao Paulo n' a bunch of opportunists w/out my knowledge or consent did their best to make it about them b4 hand instead of the fans or there wouldn't have been shit in the Post but hey we got past 'em enough to do r gig. What's really crazy is these same types have the unmitigated
gall to feel they're the ones who were taken advantage of!! Fuck the bourgeoisie!! Of course that's not to say there weren't plenty in attendance the other nite who like us got duped as well but the others well... It's not for them or their kind (or stalkers or press agents etc.) It's for u. Thank you Sao Paulo!! Peace, Axl-
Daje to pełnię sytuacji co się wydarzyło w czw. w Sao Paulo, a co tylko hipotetycznie miało się wydarzyć.
Axl miał problem z gardłem (potrzebował aż 2 1/2 h rozgrzewki przed koncertem 13.03), co nawet słychać wyraźnie np. w KOHD
Brał leki i nie chciał ryzykować odwołania koncertu dla 40 000 osób, w zamian za głupie party i set akustyczny z brazylijskimi "gwiazdkami"

I że powtórzę to co pisałam w innym topicu:
hehe No to pan projektant - debiutant muzyczny (nie pamiętam jak mu tam), może się pożegnać z rzekomym występem Axla na jego solowej płycie
Axl ceni sobie lojalność i nie rozsiewanie plotek w mediach. A takie "celebrity" jak ten kolo widać szukają taniego rozgłosu. Dodatkowo chciał się pewnie na nazwisku Axla wypromować w światku muzycznym + lepiej płytę sprzedać. Żenada!
Widać było już po komencie Fernando na HTGTH, że Axl & Co są wkurzeni: "niektórzy powinni siedzieć cicho i cieszyć się słońcem"
Ciekawe czy użycie słówka GALL w twit'cie (ŻÓŁĆ, gorycz, tupet) to nie jest przypadkiem takie wyrafinowane odniesienie się do tego projektanta - właściciela firmy Yellow Fever i jednocześnie nazwy jego zespołu. AXL mistrz gierek słownych!!!

Dodatkowo info przekazane przez tego kolesia za pośrednictwem akurat Reuters'a musiało podziałać na Axla jak płachta na byka!!!

here wouldn't have been shit in the Post - to bezpośrednie odniesienie do tej ploty:
NY Post
March 9, 2010
Page Six
Music at last
Jamison Ernest finally getting music out
Jamison Ernest, creator of the Yellow Fever brand, has been busy for 2½ years working on his debut album, "I Was Here." "The final, magic touch will be getting Axl Rose to stop by the studio to add guest vocals before he heads to South America for his tour. My fingers are crossed," said Ernest, who's also launched an acting career with a role in the remake of French film "13 Tzameti" starring Mickey Rourke, 50 Cent and Ben Gazzara. Plus, the Brooklynite's co-editing an edition of online magazine mymag with Russell Simmons, following in the footsteps of Brett Ratner and DJ Steve Aoki.^ link nie działa, chyba Kierownik już zdążył im pogrozić i sami usunęli "zawartość"