Spiskowej teorii dziejów ciąg dalszy

"Been a member of Guns N' Roses, touring since May 2006."
http://bumblefoot.com/biography.phpFragment wpisu, który jest na stronie od 10 kwietnia 2011

Nie wiem, jaki jest obecny status Rona w Gn'R. Dowiemy się pewnie w swoim czasie. All we need is just a little patience

Post Merge: Września 26, 2014, 08:46:23 am
Spiskowa teoria dziejów, ciąg dalszy.

Gunsi nie złożyli Ronowi życzeń urodzinowych na swoim profilu.
+ "
According to information disclosed by our sources, some members may be out of the band Guns N' Roses.
The drummer for Guns N' Roses Frank Ferrer during the residency of Las Vegas, told some people that would be looking for a new job on drums, giving the impression that he was not in the band.
Many do not know but Tommy Stinson is having problems with alcohol, because of the separation with his ex-wife and fight for custody of their daughters and this has caused internal problems in Guns N' Roses have hindered some things in the band. To add bassist is working with The Replacements on a new album and touring with the band performing.
It is nothing new for us fans of Guns N' Roses live with the uncertainty of the permanence of Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal at band. The great thing is that the guitarist has a series of conflicts with Axl Rose and Team Brazil. Because Ron is dealing with this whole situation and neglect is behaving as if he were out of Guns N' Roses. This has not pleased in any way the management of the band.
It is too early to confirm any information. But Frank Ferrer, Tommy Stinson and Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal may be out of the band. " to pierwszy post w nowym temacie na bardzo wiarygodnym

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