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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #30 dnia: Lipca 01, 2014, 12:00:40 pm »
Wiedziałem,ze user daub jest nieocenionym na tym forum.Właśnie spisałem sobie utwory,które prawdopodobnie trafią na kolejną płytę lub część z nich!!!  :radocha:

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #31 dnia: Lipca 02, 2014, 12:48:28 pm »
Według forumowiczów GNR Brazylia utwór Atlas Shrugged "podobno" ma 3 wersje:
1. Atlas Shrugged wersja Brian May (V1)
2. Atlas Shrugged wersja Brian May (V2)
3. Atlas Shrugged wersja Ron Thal

"Atlas Shrugged is a glam rock November Rain song".

(nie znam niestety na tyle portugalskiego by idealnie przetłumaczyć - korzystam z translatora)

Wersje gdzie jest Brian May obecne są na tym samym dysku tego klipu Jackie Chan...
Te 2 wersje Atlas są najrzadsze i krążą u małego grona ludzi.
W najbardziej rozpowszechnionej wersji  jest Bumblefoot.
Faktycznie tak nieliczni dysponują tym utworem? :???: :/

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #32 dnia: Lipca 02, 2014, 07:56:08 pm »


Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 08:41:17 pm[/time]
A teraz na poważnie:

Down By The Ocean
First mentioned: 2001
Written by: Izzy (?)

In '95, Duff and me recorded songs for the band. We made a tape that went nowhere. Then, a couple of months ago I have a message on my answering machine: 'Yo! It's Axl, I need a copy of the songs that you did.' There was one called 'Down by the Ocean' or 'Down by the Sea', they may have used it, I haven't come back to know nothing
(Izzy, Popular Magazine, 2001).

In April, 1995, Duff calls me again: 'I'm trying to compose new songs for the guys in GN'R. Come and give me a hand.' It made five and that I'd left Guns but I said myself: 'Well shit, after all, why not?' Duff and I wrote ten pieces in the space of week. We even recorded them as demos."
- French Izzy interview, 2001

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 08:42:59 pm[/time]
First mentioned: 2005 (?)
Written by:

'Zodiac', is described as an electronic, industrial song
. (Jeff Leeds, Sp1at Website, 2005)

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 08:44:01 pm[/time]
First mentioned: 2003 (?)
Written by:

[GNR] was sort of just work for hire. [...] I met with Axl and he played me these songs, asked me my ideas about them, and I told him what I thought they needed. They gave me four songs to orchestrate. [...] A song called 'Seven,' which is the one [...] I actually wrote a guitar part [on]. There was one called 'Thyme,' one called 'The General,' one called 'Leave Me Alone'"
(Marco Beltrami, IGN, July 2003).

"Leave Me Alone," "Seven," and "The General" could also feature on the new album. These three A-listed songs were worked on by Marco Beltrami, especially "Seven," which Marco deems as the best of the three songs. It has also been reported that Marco worked on a fourth track, "Thyme." However, this song was not worked on subsequent to Marco's work in October 2002
(Jeff Leeds, Sp1at website, June 2005).

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 08:46:05 pm[/time]
The General
First mentioned: 1999 on MTV? (Source?)
Written by:

[GNR] was sort of just work for hire. [...] I met with Axl and he played me these songs, asked me my ideas about them, and I told him what I thought they needed. They gave me four songs to orchestrate. [...]There was [...] one called 'The General,'
(Marco Beltrami, IGN, July 2003).

"Leave Me Alone," "Seven," and "The General" could also feature on the new album. These three A-listed songs were worked on by Marco Beltrami
(Jeff Leeds, Sp1at website, June 2005).

Well, this comes out on the third record. It relates to [Estranged], it's a trilogy, this goes with this lyrically
[Metal Edge, June 2007]

You may have heard parts of it somewhere
[Axl's chat on the fan forums, 2008]

The General is a really cool song, it's got an interesting vibe to it. Kinda like an urgy [?]
[Eat More Heat! Live Chat, March 2013]

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 08:50:24 pm[/time]
Ides of March
First mentioned: 2005 (?)
Written by:

[...] 'Ides of March' was a working title of one of the songs that came from a loop name that Dizzy came up with: I think they kept the name, but it's been years so I'm sure everything has changed by now."
(Dave Dominguez, Sp1at, July 2005)

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 08:54:39 pm[/time]
Atlas Shrugged
First mentioned: 2005 (?)
Written by:

Song doesn't have all that much to do with the book other than trying to do what you believe in and a line about shoulders not being wide enough
(Axl chats on the forums, December 2008)

Whether Brian May will be featured: Perhaps on an alternate or bits, on that track it has more to do with recording issues and getting the mix to a good level
(Axl chats on the forums, December 2008)

I don't think we ever really finished that song. That would be the kinda thing where we'd have to get into the studio and lay some more tracks and just see where it goes and what state it is in
[Axl Rose Fa Clube, April 2014]

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 08:57:04 pm[/time]
Written by:

"[GNR] was sort of just work for hire. [...] I met with Axl and he played me these songs, asked me my ideas about them, and I told him what I thought they needed. They gave me four songs to orchestrate. [...] A song called 'Seven,' which is the one [...] I actually wrote a guitar part [on]. There was one called 'Thyme,' one called 'The General,' one called 'Leave Me Alone.'"
(Marco Beltrami, IGN, 07/20/03)

"Leave Me Alone," "Seven," and "The General" could also feature on the new album. These three A-listed songs were worked on by Marco Beltrami, especially "Seven," which Marco deems as the best of the three songs. It has also been reported that Marco worked on a fourth track, "Thyme." However, this song was not worked on subsequent to Marco's work in October 2002.
(Jeff Leeds, Sp1at website, 06/05)

[AFD interview, 2010]

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 08:59:26 pm[/time]
Other names: Oklahoma
First mentioned: 2005 (?)
Written by:

"As the far as the songs go: 'Oklahoma' was pretty much written by the time they got to the studio. Axl wrote that with inspiration from the Oklahoma City bombing (more as a tribute to those who died, if I'm not mistaken). [...]
(Dave Dominguez, Sp1at, 02/07/05).

[...] Song after song combines the edgy hard rock force and pop smarts of vintage Guns N Roses with surprisingly modern and ambitious music textures. In addition to the album's almost grungy title track, tentative song titles include 'Catcher in the Rye,' 'I.R.S,' 'The Blues', [...] 'Oklahoma' - heard tonight only as an instrumental, [...] and 'TWAT,' which he says stands for 'there was a time.'"
(Rolling Stone, 01/00).

Talking about Riad And The Bedouins: It’s not Oklahoma which later became Berlin and subject to change
[Axl's chat on the fan forums, 2008]

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 09:01:31 pm[/time]
Soul Monster
Other names: Leave Me Alone, Elvis Presley and the Monster of Soul.
Written by:

"[GNR] was sort of just work for hire. [...] I met with Axl and he played me these songs, asked me my ideas about them, and I told him what I thought they needed. They gave me four songs to orchestrate. [...] A song called 'Seven,' which is the one [...] I actually wrote a guitar part [on]. There was one called 'Thyme,' one called 'The General,' one called 'Leave Me Alone.'"
(Marco Beltrami, IGN, 07/20/03).

"Leave Me Alone," "Seven," and "The General" could also feature on the new album. These three A-listed songs were worked on by Marco Beltrami, especially "Seven," which Marco deems as the best of the three songs. It has also been reported that Marco worked on a fourth track, "Thyme." However, this song was not worked on subsequent to Marco's work in October 2002.
(Jeff Leeds, Sp1at website, 06/05)

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 09:03:37 pm[/time]
Blood In The Water
Written by:

Yeah, I don't know what Blood In The Water is, I don't think that is real. I think that is just people fucking with tracks and sounds and faking stuff. I don't remember playing on that one or even hearing that one. I think that one is a fake to be honest
[Eat More Heat! Live Chat, March 2013]

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 09:05:43 pm[/time]
Goin' Down (Going Down)
Written by:

Going Down is Chi Dem era, kinda earthy, but let Axwell talk about it when he's ready
[Live chat with Bumblefoot, 2012]

As far as Goin' Down, it's more of a slower, medium-paced, acoustic-y kind would I describe that song? It almost reminds me of something that like Bob Dylan could have done in a way. Yeah
[Eat More Heat! Live Chat, March 2013]

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 09:07:19 pm[/time]
Better Gone
Written by:

Better Gone? I think that is just some mashup thing
[Eat More Heat! Live Chat, March 2013]

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 02, 2014, 09:08:12 pm[/time]
wybrane cytaty ze strony

Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 04, 2014, 02:25:45 pm[/time]
Dec. 2008:- Axl Rose @ wrote:

And Checkmate is a bogus title.
The working title is Jackie Chan

« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopada 04, 2014, 08:42:48 am wysłana przez daub »

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #33 dnia: Lipca 15, 2014, 11:25:53 am »
Dzięki za pomoc. Pierwszy post uzupełniony. Jeśli chodzi o Atlas Shrugged, to nie było przecieku, w każdym razie nie "ogólnodostępnego", na takiej zasadzie jak przeciekło swego czasu np. TWAT. Natomiast sam kawałek, mniej lub bardziej gotowy, chyba bardziej, skoro była możliwość, ze wrzucą go na CHD, jest w rękach nielicznej grupy, która wymieniała się jakiś czas temu piosenkami, przynajmniej wiele na to wskazuje. Istnieje możliwość, że kiedyś wycieknie, ale na razie bym na to nie liczył, bo większość ściemnia, że go ma, a ci, którzy faktycznie mają albo boją się udostępnić, albo nie czują takiej potrzeby, bo chcą go wymienić za coś, czego nie znają, co zresztą jest logiczne.
Osobiście nie słyszałem o trzech wersjach Atlasa, ale, biorąc pod uwagę to, że nieznane nam przecieki mają głównie Portugalczycy/Brazylijczycy, o czym kiedyś było głośno - wcale by mnie to nie zdziwiło.
Dziwi mnie natomiast to, że mimo, iż o skończonym Atlasie słychać niemal od wyjścia CHD to do sieci nie wyciekło żadne demo. Ale może, gdy Gunsi wrócą do koncertowania znów dojdzie do "przypadkowego przecieku" i tym razem "ofiarą" będzie Atlas.

Podaruj mi 1,5% podatku :) Dziękuję!
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"Hey, you caught me in a coma and I don't think I wanna
Ever come back to this world again"

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #34 dnia: Lipca 16, 2014, 11:15:23 am »
Rzekomy tekst Checkmate aka Jakie Chan

here's the rumored full lyrics:

All cautions made, every chance was given, no effort spared, to save what we had*
or it would take, away the light we given, once it is ours, were free from this land
dont ever expect me to turn up this late
Motherfuckers in game, it's Checkmate.


As I then ran, as fast as i could, memories both friends, escaped from my hand
I've got a gun, now the bloods on my hands, everything you see is here till the end
dont ever expect me to turn up this late
Motherfuckers in game, it's Checkmate.

Guitar and Piano Solo

Lies that I've told, lies that I've given
Lies that I've sold, lies that have driven
Me mad to the top of my own head
Me mad to the top of my head
At night sugar, I'm sorry if i turn up late
Well now honey, my turn, Checkmate

All dozens slayed, every chance, one given, dont ever spin ,just say what we had
or it would take, away the light we given, once it is ours, were free from this land
dont ever expect me to turn up this late
Motherfuckers in game, it's Checkmate.

Guitar Solo
Piano Solo

All Thoughts in lane (all thoughts in lane)
every chance we gave (ever chance we gave)
dont ever spare (dont ever spare)
I'm here till the end (checkmate)
I'm here till the end
I'm here till the end


Post Merge: [time]Lipiec 17, 2014, 07:08:01 am[/time]

Formalnie tylko:
uzupełnienie źródła dotyczącego utworu Oklahoma , potem znanego szerzej jako Berlin

Axl: I was sitting in my litigation with my ex-wife, and it was the day after the bombing. We had a break, and I'm sitting with my attorneys with a sort of smile on my face, more like a nervous thing - it was like, 'Forgive me, people, I'm having trouble taking this seriously.' It's just ironic that we're sitting there and this person is spewing all kinds of things and 168 people just got killed. And this person I'm sitting there with, she don't care. Obliterating me is their goal 
 [Axl Speaks, Rolling Stone, January 2000]


« Ostatnia zmiana: Października 21, 2014, 07:26:46 am wysłana przez daub »

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #35 dnia: Października 08, 2014, 03:39:38 pm »

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #36 dnia: Października 20, 2014, 10:57:46 am »
Z tego co "wypłynęło" na światło dzienne odnośnie Chinese Democracy Remix

całe utwory:

Going Down - być może utwór ma znaleźć się na Chinese Democracy II ?

Better (DJ Ashba Mix)
Better (Bumblefoot Acoustic)

Better (Brain Remix)

Blood in the water

fragmenty kilkusekundowe (znane jako Leaked Clip):

Shackler's Revenge (Brain Remix)

This I Love (New Axl Vocals)

This I Love has new vocals NOT new lyrics.
- New vocals include new melody line
- There is NO guitar solo
- Its not an alternate version, but more of a remix. It has a hip hop beat with Axl singing over it in a new way.
- I saw somewhere someone made a comparison of Dont Cry 2. I don't think that would be an accurate comparison

Hitman, moderator  forum  MSL

If The World (Brain Remix)

Oh My God (Buckethead Version)

Silkworms (Studio Version)

Mi Amour (Studio ?)

Ballad Of Death (Studio ?)

Dj ASHBA™ : "I know there's rumors of a Guns N' Roses studio version of Ballad Of Death that got leaked, I am here to tell you that the so called "leaked" studio version floating around is NOT the real Guns N' Roses studio version nor is it me playing guitar on it. Hope this helps!"
(, 9 grudnia 2013r.)

Dj ASHBA™ :  "The actually studio version of Ballad Of Death has NOT left my studio. There are zero copies of it."
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopada 03, 2014, 11:35:26 am wysłana przez daub »

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #37 dnia: Października 20, 2014, 03:19:58 pm »
Zapowiada się ciekawie. Dzięki Daub. Fajnie jakby zrobili remix TWAT i Better.

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #38 dnia: Października 20, 2014, 07:39:49 pm »
Dawac mi to na priva jakby ktos znalazl !
...jeśli powyższy komentarz wydaje Ci się zbyt poważny, to zmień zdanie.
Warszawa 15.07.06, Praga 27.09.10, Rybnik 11.07.12, Gdańsk 20.06.17
13.02.13, 12.02.19, 16.04.24

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #39 dnia: Października 20, 2014, 08:07:32 pm »
Daub zapomiał dodać że są to kilku sekundowe fragmenty. Mam do nich linki. priv
Dobra zmiana

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #40 dnia: Października 21, 2014, 07:30:35 am »
Bumblefoot on Atlas Shrugged (from eat more heat,march 2013)

"Atlas Shrugged, I was going to tell a little story about that song. Right now on my laptop, I actually have the old guitar solo that I played for that song, when, two days before the album was going to be mastered, I was like, let's see if we can squeeze it on to the album. I busted out some guitar tracks for it, I have my own studio...
But, because the CD could only be 74 minutes max, and it would've taken it past the limit of what a CD can store, we couldn't put Atlas Shrugged on Chinese Democracy. It wasn't worth making a two-CD album with just one song on the other CD, so hopefully, on ChiDem 2, it'll have Atlas Shrugged on there. Interesting song."

Post Merge: [time]Październik 21, 2014, 07:33:15 am[/time]
Q: Will Brian May appear on Atlas Shrugged?

A: Perhaps on an alternate or bits, on that track it has more to do with recording issues and getting the mix to a good level.
(Axl Rose,, Dec. 2008)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopada 04, 2014, 08:44:17 am wysłana przez daub »

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #41 dnia: Października 24, 2014, 09:49:22 am »
Someone @MyGNR met Ron recently at a Jakarta gtr clinic and asked him about Going Down.

Q: Why don't you play some fresh GN'R stuff, like Atlas Shrugged or GD, or OMG?

Ron wrote:

Well, GN'R are Axl's stuff, and I don't wanna get into trouble by playing someone's stuff. Its just not mine. Well, the opening was made with me and robin and bucket tinkering it *play the intro of Going Down song* well, I am not supposed to say anything about the leaks, but, thats what i actually do, I talk, I break Axl's ball right now.

Q: Do you contribute much on CD album?

Ron wrote:

not quite, the songs were done, and my job is only creating Ice and Fire in several songs.

Q:Will [Going Down] be released officialy?

Ron wrote:

yeah, hopefully. It will be released, trust me.

Q:What happened to GNR in the first half of 2011? Guns seems so quiet, and I notice Axl is weaker than before.

Ron wrote:

we do nothing. I do my own stuff, and so the other band members. Oh, really axl is weaker? lets see in 2014 what he turns to. (this is interesting for me, could the 2013 breaks let Axl do some excersice and get him fit again?)

Post Merge: [time]Październik 24, 2014, 09:56:28 am[/time]
Son of a Gun wrote:

Axl should write better lyrics and a chorus for Silkworms, mix and produce it properly, add guitars, change it`s name and put it on next album, it has potential to be a kickass, in your face, aggressive Industrial rocker.

Dexter wrote:

    Q: Is Silkworms on the next record?

    A: has a lot of guitars, lots of different drum the chorus is gone.
(Axl Rose,, Dec. 2008)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopada 04, 2014, 08:45:25 am wysłana przez daub »

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #42 dnia: Października 26, 2014, 04:58:45 pm »
@daub również będę wdzięczny za priva :P

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #43 dnia: Października 27, 2014, 09:08:44 am »
Rzekomy tekst utworu "The General" (który juz kilka lat w sieci sie pojawia)
[tak jak tekst Checkmate aka Jackie Chan - datowany na 2010 r.]

The General

Left right left, Left right left
We say left right, left right left

Oh my general we salute you
Defending our rights and doing the work you choose to
Well maybe its time to read between the lines
And figure out your design
And in due time we will have this war won

Watch out here he comes!

grab yourself a gun and run into the fields
using your men as human shields
fighting for yourself and no one else
against your general...against the general
ohh dying on the battle fields
he’s eating your brain as his meal
fighting for yourself and no one else
against your general...against the general

you can hear the battle cry as you watch the victims shattered eyes
you can smell the blood as it flows like a river...a river that holds strong ties
we can even watch all the sorrow and see how it all began on CNN
no one could ever predict it would come to this....this hit and miss
its time to start again

here it comes!

grab yourself a gun and run into the fields
using your men as human shields
fighting for yourself and no one else
against your general...against the general
ohh dying on the battle fields
he’s eating your brain as his meal
fighting for yourself and no one else
against your general...against the general

we can’t fight it
we just give in
all lives taken from women and children
we can fight it
we wont give in
we can defend this crazy world which we live in

oh this wars far from won
you better grab yourself a gun
and you could run into the feilds
eatin your brain for a meal
running into the jungles
will it end? do you ever wonder?
all this fighting in this century
do you you regret that you ever met me?....

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #44 dnia: Października 27, 2014, 07:18:05 pm »
Dzięki @daub.

No więc tak:

Mixy Evader'a sobie darowałem, po tym jak w "Prostitute" usłyszałem Lanę Del Rey... tylko "Silkworms" brzmi jakoś takoś bardziej autentycznie, ale podejrzewam że to też fałszywka zmontowana z jakiegoś bootlega Gunsów z dogranymi w studio przez fanów partiami instrumentalnymi.

"24 - If The World (Brain Remix) Leaked Clip" - IMO fejk, zawiera sample z queenowskiego "We will rock you".

"25 - Shackler's Revenge (Brain Remix) - Leaked Clip" - IMO również fejk, wystarczyło wziąć wokal Axla z gry Rock Band i dograć podkład.

"29 - Silkworms - Leaked Clip" - brzmi na autentyk :D Podobnie jak większość niewymienionych nagrań.


Od jakiej płyty zaczynaliście słuchać Gunsów?

Zaczęty przez Zqyx

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Ostatnia wiadomość Maja 18, 2012, 09:04:41 pm
wysłana przez Bluebird