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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #45 dnia: Października 27, 2014, 07:42:38 pm »
"24 - If The World (Brain Remix) Leaked Clip" - IMO fejk, zawiera sample z queenowskiego "We will rock you".

"25 - Shackler's Revenge (Brain Remix) - Leaked Clip" - IMO również fejk, wystarczyło wziąć wokal Axla z gry Rock Band i dograć podkład.

"29 - Silkworms - Leaked Clip" - brzmi na autentyk :D Podobnie jak większość niewymienionych nagrań.
To nie fejki

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #46 dnia: Października 28, 2014, 07:56:48 am »
Te leaked klipy niestety brzmia jak fejki. A nawet jesli to jie kupilbym ChD w wersji Braina... nie moja bajka
...jeśli powyższy komentarz wydaje Ci się zbyt poważny, to zmień zdanie.
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13.02.13, 12.02.19, 16.04.24

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #47 dnia: Października 29, 2014, 07:30:40 pm »
Rzekomy singiel promujący  (datowany na 2012r.)

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #48 dnia: Października 29, 2014, 08:08:02 pm »
Dobra zmiana

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #49 dnia: Października 29, 2014, 09:01:09 pm »
Napisze ktoś do mnie na priv? :D
- Nice boys don't play rock and roll... -

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #50 dnia: Listopada 03, 2014, 11:48:40 am »
Oh My God

Axl: The chorus: OH MY GOD etc. deals with the societal repression of deep and often agonizing emotions - some of which may be willingly accepted for one reason or another - the appropriate expression of which (one that promotes a healing, release and a positive resolve) is often discouraged and many times denied. Emotionally the song contemplates several abstract perspectives drawing from personal expression as well as from the film (End Of Days) and its metaphors. The appropriate expression and vehicle for such emotions and concepts is not something taken for granted.

Musically the song was primarily written by Paul Huge over two years ago, with Dizzy Reed writing the musical hook of the chorus. Former member Duff McKagan as well as former employee Matt Sorum failed to see its potential and showed no interest in exploring, let alone recording the piece. When the demos were played for the new band, Josh, Tommy and Robin were as they say 'all over it.'

Once the opportunity was presented, the song was given priority in our recording process. As the verse, performance and lyrics were decided on, for us (that especially includes Interscope chairman Jimmy Iovine) the choice became obvious. We were more than pleased Mr. Roswell (the film's music supervisor) agreed! Our thanks to Arnold and all for the consideration - it is an association in which we have always felt honored.

Paul Huge, Gary Sunshine and Dave Navarro appear on the song as well as Robin Finck. Robin's part was written by Paul and extensively manipulated by our producer, Sean Beaven. Robin was not involved in the writing of the final recording though did participate in the arrangement. All lyrics were written by myself. Additional programming (jack boots, screeching tires, etc.) was by Stuart White.

The fight of good vs. evil, positive vs. negative, man against a seemingly undefeatable, undeterrable, unrevealed destiny, along with the personal and universal struggle to attain, maintain and responsibly manage freewill can be and often is frustrating to say the least. In America our country's constitutional right to freedom of expression gives us a better chance to fight for that expression than many in other countries enjoy. It can be a big gig, like kickin' the crap outta the devil! [Axl's MTV Fax - Sep 22, 1999].

Axl: So in that sense, I think it is like old Guns N' Roses as far as, like, the spirit and the attempt to throw all kinds of different styles together. If you get to the second guitar solo in 'Oh My God,' Paul's doing a very Izzy Stradlin-Aerosmith-type riff in the middle of the song, which is a completely different thing than everything else that's going on in the music, but yet it blends. There's a disco drum beat in the post-chorus, in the heaviest section of the song. We blended a lot of things [Axl Rose - A conversation with Kurt Loder, MTV US November 8th 1999].

Robin: We recorded a lot of cool songs and potential tracks [...] I hope [Oh My God] is not very typical of them [Hartford Courant, May 2000].

Slash: I actually heard it when I went to see End Of All Days at the movie theater. I didn't think much of it. My position of this is that I am dying to listen to what Axl will put out next, the stuff that more or less precipitated the split of Guns And Roses. Not that I mean bad or reject completely something I have no part of. After all, Axl and I, we could go at it but we could also share the same vision. We had a tendency of leading toward against nature association, messing around with the line up by integrating elements estranged from Rock music. So, when I left, I felt at peace with myself. And when I heard Oh My God, it comforted me that I didn't leave Guns And Roses on a whim [Hard Rock Magazine, October 2000].

Axl, being asked why it sounds like a demo: Because that's all it was, only at the time having just got it together only Jimmy Iovine knew that who wanted it to sell their soundtrack. I saw segments of the movie which were good. As a whole later not so much but it wasn't ready yet then. I did write an experimental piece inspired by the bits I'd seen called "Daddy Can the Devil do Mommy and me?" [, December 13, 2008].

Axl, being asked about the future of the song: There’s a remix w/lots of new vocals and a wilder guitar intro but it’s not taken all that seriously [, December 14, 2008].

Post Merge: [time]Listopad 03, 2014, 12:34:20 pm[/time]
DJ Ashba
Well, we hope so. That’s our main focus. Lack of songs is not our problem. It’s just getting into the studio. And there’s been more and more talk about getting in there before the end of the year, which I’m really excited about. [...] The stuff I’ve written sounds like classic Guns N’ Roses. It’s very much what I grew up on, what I loved about the band. So that’s kind of the direction that my songs. [...] Axl, of course, has, I believe, two complete albums worth of songs already recorded and probably a shit-load of other stuff I’ve never heard. He’s played me quite a bit of stuff that’s phenomenal, and, hopefully, I can get my hands on it and put my little stamp on it, before all is said and done [Guitar International, October 2014]
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopada 03, 2014, 12:36:13 pm wysłana przez daub »

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #51 dnia: Listopada 03, 2014, 07:07:24 pm »
Dobrze sformatowany tekst - dzięki  ;)
Powyższy post jest zgodny z tematem.

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« Odpowiedź #52 dnia: Listopada 03, 2014, 07:44:58 pm »
Bardzo ciekawie opisał zapowiedzi nowej płyty Mr. Soulmonster  /z forum Appetite For Discussion/

We have dates in October, November, and then I'm still waiting to get the 411 on what will happen next year. I think the next thing is really going to have to be someone trying to organize a record and getting it together. I think there's a really good band there to do it. But, you know, the thought of it is more daunting than a 'Mats or a Soul Asylum record combined [May 2011]

Next album not in production...yet. Let's get all the shows outta the way [September 2011]

DJ Ashba
Being asked if more material will be released: Absolutely, yeah absolutely, that's our main focus with it right now. Obviously with me being a song writer and producer [October 2011]

I'm writing around the clock, obviously. Axl has tons of songs up his sleeve. The main goal is to regroup, put our heads together and figure out what Axl would feel would be the next best Guns N' Roses record to put out. [...] Obviously Guns N' Roses, we have more tours and stuff [in 2012]; we're talking about and putting together this record [November 2011]

We haven't really talked a lot about that. There's a lot we've recorded, a lot of material back when we started working on 'Chinese Democracy,' so there's a quite a bit of unreleased stuff that would be really cool to finish and put out. [...] everyone has great ideas and songs and stuff, so we're always sort of bouncing stuff off each other. I'm recording stuff all the time; I'll record something and say, 'Hey, this might be cool' and play it for everybody and just kind of go from there. I think eventually something's got to give, and then it's gonna come out [November 2011]

There’s nothing etched in stone, but I can see us go into a writing mode in the new year. If there’s gonna be a new record, we’re going to have to start working some stuff out. But it’s just talk right now [December 2011]

Paraphrased: The hope is to write new songs next year and move forward with GNR. There are songs left over from the "Chinese Democracy" sessions that are almost ready to go and could be polished up for potential release. Who knows, maybe there will be Chinese Democracy 2. Who knows? [December 2011]

Axl and I get along pretty good, and now is kind of the time to stick it out if we're going to make another record [December 2011]

We're gonna be busy — we're gonna be busy all next year. We'll be putting out new stuff as soon as we can figure out what our deal is with labels, blah blah blah [December 2011]

With Guns, I'd like for them to get back in writing mode and see if there's another record to put out [December 2011]

[...] we are going to be finishing up the next Gn’R record [December 2011]

I can't give anyone a definite date or anything because, again, I can't give anyone false hope, but I can say it absolutely is our main priority. And I cannot wait to get...I mean, Axl has tons and tons of stuff recorded as it is, I mean, he sits there in his hotel room and play me hours of stuff. And I've written, you know, over 10 songs, for -- I think 12 songs now -- for him that he really likes and I think that once we all, now that we are off tour, we're gonna kinda start talking about, hey, let's piece together what we feel would be the next best Guns N' Roses record. You know, it's absolutely everybody's goal to get out an album, you know, within a reasonable amount of time. That is everybody's focus [January 2012]

There are some clamoring and rumors that we might be getting some material together here after we do this little (theater) run, so we'll see what happens. I just go with the flow. I'm always recording and stuff. If it happens it will be really fun and cool. I love creating stuff with all the guys. And there was so much material that didn't make it onto ('Chinese Democracy'). From what I remember there were a lot of really cool songs; I can only hope that some of that stuff does resurface and get worked out [February 2012]

Being asked about them working on a new record: I keep hearing that, so I’m going to go along with that and say, “Yeah.” [...] There’s been talk. I know that [guitarist] DJ [Ashba] and Axl have been kicking back and forth some stuff and we talked about it a little bit, but I’ve heard that there’s plans... to sit down at some point in time ...and start working some stuff up. So if that happens, great. I don’t want to jinx it though [February 2012]

I would like to put out more than one album in 14 years. I’m all about “Chinese Democracy” but I want new Guns N’ Roses songs

That’s what gets me excited about being in the band - knowing that we have a really great shot at putting out something that’s just going to blow people’s mind. So, that’s the number one priority for everybody at this point [March 2012]


Being asked who he'd like to make music with: Last year I released “The Pink Panther Theme” and it has pretty much all the members of the band except Dizzy, Chris and Axl. Although I’d like to do something with *all* of them (laughs)! Yes, the next people I’d like to make music with, would be my band and my singer. I would like to be writing, recording and putting out music with Axl, Tommy, Frank, Richard, DJ, Chris and Dizzy. That’s what I’d like to be doing. I feel that the current band is so strong and has so much to offer that we should really be writing songs, together [April 2012]

In May, I go back to Europe with Guns and luckily, Thin Lizzy is going to be out with us, which is going to be awesome. They’re going to be supporting us so I’ll be able to play a couple of songs with them every night. But I’ll be out with Guns in May, June and July and then we have to finish up some more recording and hopefully get the record out and be on tour in the fall in the States I’m hoping [April 2012]

Now I must start getting my shit together for the European GNR tour. I’ll be looking forward to working up some new long over due GNR rock soon. See y’all on the road! [May 2012]

Hopefully soon! That’s our goal right now: to work on the new record and get out and tour a bunch more. We’re leaving in May for Europe for two-and-a-half months, and I know we’ll get a lot of stuff done on the road [May 2012]

Yeah we have and it has become one of our main focuses. We’re working on a lot of new stuff, not only for the music but we have surprises on this tour and everyone is looking forward to getting out there and putting on a kick ass rock ‘n’ roll show. The most important thing is that I’m really looking forward to the future with this band. Getting in and writing with everybody and that’s what I’m excited about the most but when it happens has still to be decided [May 2012]

Being asked about working on a new record: Well between the six or seven or eight of us, we all live in different cities so it is really hard for us just to sit down and get to work [laughs] but now that we’re altogether out here for a couple of months then that is something that will come up hopefully. I’m always into trying out new material and recording new stuff. I’ve worked with DJ a little bit in the studio off and on here and there and I’m always recording stuff, ready to play it for people to get their take and their spin on it. I know everyone else is the same boat, I think we all have something set aside or maybe everything set aside for Guns N’ Roses so when it happens it will happen. [...] I think our priority right now is the tour and giving people the best, most kick ass show they can get every night.[EspyRock, May 2012]

I am pretty much focused on GN'R right now. We're getting ready to go back into studio. so that's where my head's at right now. That's all I wanna think about till end of year, pretty much [RockNLive, June 2012]

When this tour ends, Frank (drums) and Tommy (bass) and I plan to get together and start writing some new music. Hopefully nothing will get in the way of doing that [Teraz Rock Magazine, July 2012]

Heeeeey! Just got home from a three-month European tour with GNR, slowly getting over that weird transition back to ‘normal life’, haha, ready to start being creative. I’ll be writing and recording and releasing and producing and guesting and teaching, maybe some light gigging, doing whatever I can before having to press the pause button on it all and hit the road again. I was planning on writing instrumental guitar music but every time I have a song idea I start thinking of vocal melodies and lyrics, gaaaaahhhh!!!!!

We are writing and trying out new songs [translated from Norwegian] [NRK, October 2012]

[The Vegas residency] is the first time we're all gonna be in the same place for a month solid and that will be, and already has been talked about, our main focus. So I think we're gonna get a lot of done. [...] There's a lot of stuff recorded and I think it's just a matter of sitting down and working together as a band, putting together what we feel is gonna be the next best Guns N' Roses record. And I can't wait; I'm so excited to dive even deeper into that [Rolling Stone, October 2012]

We’ve been kicking some ideas around. We have some time off in Vegas. Hopefully we’ll be able to organize ourselves to get in a room and continue to refine a lot of those ideas and see what happens. I think as a whole this particular lineup has never really written together. We have in smaller groups…it could be great, it could be a disaster, you never know. We have three guitar players. You have three guitar players in a room together it’s always going to be volatile, but I shouldn’t say that because those guys are great. They actually work really great together, and they’re all so good. They’re the top of the heap, and for them to be able to work things out and present it the way we do every night live, it’s pretty amazing. I’m sure we can harness that energy and that vibe and get stuff recorded [, October 24, 2012]

All the guys are writing, and we recorded a lot of songs over the years. We'll figure out what we feel best about [USA Today, October 2012]

We had a lot of stuff that we haven’t finished from the past, some great songs… I just hope it won’t take us to another 10 years [Jakarta Post, December 2, 2012]

I know Axl wants to [release more music]. It’s just a question of,with so many outside things breaking focus and just little fires you always need to put out, we just need to focus on that. I’m hoping that we do. We’re not getting younger, and neither are our fans. Let’s do this. [Metal Mayhem Magazine, November 2012]
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopada 09, 2014, 08:50:19 pm wysłana przez daub »

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« Odpowiedź #53 dnia: Listopada 09, 2014, 08:42:18 pm »
We’ve spoken a lot about it. It’s just a question of – I wouldn’t even say the planets aligning; That’s a little extreme as far as a metaphor – but I think we just need to have nothing else going on to where we can just focus on making new music and putting it out. There’s such strong people in the band. Dizzy is a great singer and songwriter. DJ – a great songwriter. Pitman is a great singer and songwriter. Frank is a great drummer. Tommy, he’s a great singer and songwriter. Richard, he’s a great player, songwriter. We have all the parts of the machine there. All we have to do is assemble that machine and hit the on switch
[Boomerocity, January 2013]

There’s been talk all the time within us about the next album and what we’re going to do and when we’re going to do it. But you know, life always gets in the way. Things get in the way. It’s hard to have the momentum and the focus and everything that you need. It’s hard to put everything aside and do a whole album. Personally, I don’t want to do an album. I would like to just do a song. Let’s just bite off a song and get a song out there and then bite off another song and get that out there. It’s easier to do. Look, waiting for an album to get done is just too much. I can’t do it myself. If I waited to finish an album, it still wouldn’t be done and the album still wouldn’t be out. When there’s so much touring and so much other stuff going on, don’t try and take on 14 songs. Do a song, then another song, then another song and then figure it out from there
[Hot Metal, February 2013]

You know what, just forget about a new record till it happens. I mean, I can't even long have we been talking about a new fucking record? And I am the only one that doesn't bullshit you people about it, and I say "No, we haven't been in the studio together," "No, we haven't started writing together as a band". If something came out at this point it would be very old material that would be released now, so it would be unheard material but to me I don't consider that a new record, I consider that just releasing old material from a band that doesn't exist any more. And we need to make an album of this band right now. I just texted...hit up Axl again two days ago, "Hey, while we're in Australia, let's make some music, let's work on some stuff". We'll see what happens. I am all about making music. That's why I make music, to make music. So I'd like to really do that. I would be very happy if Guns N' Roses could do that. We'll see what happens. That's all I can say. At this point we're just doing shows, and doing shows, and doing shows, and the shows are great and we're having fun and everything, but I've got the itch. I've had the itch for a long fucking time. I want to make some music with these motherfuckers. It's a damn good band, and we should really have the opportunity to give what we can to all of you and make some music for you. If anyone reads any of my long-ass interviews where I am ranting like I do now, you know how I feel about it, and that's what I am about. It's not up to me, it's gotta be unanimous, so I hope unanimously at some point everyone says, "Alright, let's just put life to the side, everything to the side, and focus on this and make it happen and make some music together." I think it would be fucking great and I hope it happens. But as far as seeing a new album in the future, I don't see it in the near future, no, it's going to be a while...if it is going to be with this band writing from the beginning. There's reality for you. I wish I had something better I could tell you guys because we all want the same thing, we want new music, me and you
[Eat More Heat! Live Chat, March 2013]

On whether we will hear new music in 2013: I can give you a definite maybe
[Adelaide Now, March 6, 2013]

A new album will be on the way soon, since ‘soon’ isn’t really an exact given or assigned amount of time
[Khaleej Times, March 31, 2013].

We need to start thinking about making a new record. You know, it’s due. We’ve been travelling around the world and touring behind this one record for long enough. I really don’t know if there’s a lot more touring we can do behind this record that we haven’t done already ... twice even! It’s probably a good time to get back and write some new songs. [...]

I think when we get back Stateside, we only have some small weekend runs for a while ... I think that should give people time to write some new material. [...]

The music cuts through the bullshit, that’s how Guns n’ Roses works. But I don’t think we would need to spend that amount of time to make another record. The reason we took such a long time was because Axl was kind of assembling a band as the (Chinese Democracy) album was being made ... so you had a lot of guys coming in and things changing.

Hopefully , each of us will write a song or two, throw them in the mix, then we all get together in one studio ... in short span of time, hopefully. That would be the goal. No one has 10 more years to spend making a record, you know. [...]

That’s the hard part with everyone scattered about ... I live in Hudson, New York, (guitarist) DJ Ashba lives in Las Vegas (Nevada) and Axl lives in Malibu (California). You know, if everyone wrote one song and we went and recorded those eight songs, we would have more than an album’s worth of material. We have some leftover tunes from the last record. We could feasibly make a record quickly ... it could happen. But we’ll just have to accept it: our art is as big a stumbling block as anything
[The Star, March 31, 2013].

[...] we are doing some dates sporadically, but we are trying to focus more on getting the next record ready, the next G ‘n R record. So, the touring has not been steady, and it won’t be for a while. [...] We are working on [the next record]! Hopefully within the next year we will have something out.
[The Rck Pit, March 2013]

My goal for the new year is that there's going to be [...] a Guns N' Roses record, just throwing it out there. [On whether it is this year or next year] You know what, either way, either of those can happen, either or both can happen, I would be happy for that
[CD102.5 The Alternative Station, April 2013].

we are preparing to record some new stuff. [...] We're working on it! [...]
[Dead Daisies Facebook page, April 2013].

Been locking myself in ASHBALAND Studios, writing n recording my ass off! Coming up with sic shit!! #inspired #conquertheworld
[Facebook, April 22, 2013]

What do you think - Dizzy Reed and Dj ASHBA™ at Welcome To Ashbaland studios - hard at work or hardly working?
[Facebook, April 30, 2013]

Being asked what's in store for 2013: Well, right now, I am just in the studio writing every day. I am writing every free moment I have. Since I've been off tour I've just locked myself in the studio. Axl's coming out in about a week and, yeah, we're just gonna have fun and hopefully get in the studio and make some magic.
[In The Now, May, 2013]

It’s just kind of hard to say really. I guess just because really everyone in the band now comes from different places. It’s going to be a band effort. At the end of the day you have good songs, no matter how they’re done. They are good songs and if Axl sings them, it’s going to be Guns N’ Roses. Everyone has just kind of been writing and passing some stuff around and, you know, that’s pretty much where we’re at right now, just compiling stuff for the new record before we go in and start tracking it.
[Lubbock Online, May 2013]

Post Merge: [time]Listopad 09, 2014, 08:49:35 pm[/time]
Being asked when the next record is coming out: The most-asked question, yes. I can't predict that, and I'm not going to try to predict that. What I've wanted to do was put out one song every time we do a leg of touring - get together in the studio a week before, write and record a song, release it, play it on that tour, and do that every time. We would have had an album of music released by now if we did that, a little at a time, where it's easier to take on those small pieces than bite off the entire album-creating process at once. If I controlled the Universe that's what I'd have us do, haha.
[The Telegraph Calcutta, June 5, 2013]

Being asked if they are working on a new record: We're all songwriters. Hopefully this year we'll be able to put our ideas together and make a new album. We all talk about doing it, and are looking forward to it.
[The Telegraph Calcutta, June 5, 2013]

Talking about the rest of the CD material: You know it would be a shame if they don’t [come out]. There’s a lot of great material there. It will come out at some point. There are so many different formats that a record release isn’t a big thing anymore—movies, TV, shows, etc. We do finally have a great cohesive band, and as a band, we wanted to finish some things up that we started. So yes, there is quite amount of material that has not been released and it would be great to have people hear it soon.
[The Examiner, June 2013]

Talking about releasing a new record: We have been talking about it a lot. We have been kicking back ideas while on the tour bus—so it’s definitely in the works.
[The Examiner, June 2013]

Being asked when we can expect a new GN'R album or new music: Most asked question :)Wish I had an answer! Can't predict Sad
[twitter, June 2013]

We’ve got some shows coming up in July and I hope we will write some new stuff this summer. It’s been too long.
[Deccan Herald, June 17, 2013]

Working on new stuff now [for GN'R]. So I'm trying to balance all this out. So far it's worked out alright. So far everything is good. Actually, Guns wanted to be touring right now in South America and I'd already committed to [The Dead Daisies], so we had to postpone that to next year, but I'm hoping that we get an album out very soon.
[Noise 11, November 18, 2013]

[A new record] is in the works. Right now, things are on hold for a little bit as far as playing. I think they're getting tracks together.
[Noise 11, November 18, 2013]

We are working on stuff and hopefully very soon we're going to have new stuff out. Well, in the next year. [...] We're going to be in Vegas all together, so hopefully during that time we're going to be able to get in a room and start laying down some more stuff.
[Billboard, April 24, 2014]

We have tons of material, you know. Before I even joined the band there was three albums [...], tons of songs already recorded that Axl's been playing [with?]. Of course, I am a writer, everybody in the band writes so everybody has their own pile of songs, too, so lack of material isn't our problem, you know, it is taking all the material we have and making sense of it and fitting it into what we think would be a kick-ass album
[Talking Metal, April 2014]

There’s a sh*tload of [unreleased material]. It’s there. It’s just a matter of—once it gets to a certain point, I’m not sure who’s going to make that decision, but there are songs that are done or close to being done that just need to be selected and grouped together and released. That’s where things are at with that
[Las Vegas Weekly, May 2014].

We recorded a lot of things before Chinese was out. We've worked more on some of those things and we've written a few new things. But basically, we have what I call kind of the second half of Chinese. That's already recorded. And then we have a remix album made of the songs from Chinese. That's been done for a while, too. But after Vegas, we're going to start looking very seriously at what we're doing in that regard
[Revolver Magazine, May 2014]

Axl talked about CDII being "already recorded", do you know if it is completely mixed and mastered and ready for the shelves, and did you contribute to it? It is not ready to hit shelves but whatever we release next i will be apart of
[Live chat, May 2014]

I really hope that [a new record] happens this year and there’s still a lot of time left, so let’s just shoot for that
[Metal Insider, June 2014]

That's the plan, although we haven't really discussed it for a while. There's a lot of stuff people need to hear that's ready to come out. It's gonna happen, I just don't have an actual date for you yet. My fingers are crossed, but they're getting a little bit looser. I think it'll be happening soon
[The Rock Revival, June 2014]

There is a lot of stuff in the can and a lot of stuff that needs to come out and will come out. I think it’s just finishing touches on a few things. It’s getting the right songs to put out in the right package. It’ll come out when it’s ready to come out, but it’s definitely there.
[The HUB, September 2014]

We are planning on doing quite a bit of touring [in 2015]. The focus is getting in a studio and putting together what we all feel is the best Guns N’ Roses record. Lack of material is not an issue. We have tons of stuff. Axl has two full albums that he has recorded, he has played me a bunch of songs off of that, are incredible! I can’t wait to get in and kind of dive into those as well. I’ve written tons of songs & demoed up a bunch of stuff. I think it is just a matter of getting in & sifting through the piles of material
[Legendary Rock Interviews, September 2014].

Well, we hope so. That’s our main focus. Lack of songs is not our problem. It’s just getting into the studio. And there’s been more and more talk about getting in there before the end of the year, which I’m really excited about. [...] The stuff I’ve written sounds like classic Guns N’ Roses. It’s very much what I grew up on, what I loved about the band. So that’s kind of the direction that my songs. [...] Axl, of course, has, I believe, two complete albums worth of songs already recorded and probably a shit-load of other stuff I’ve never heard. He’s played me quite a bit of stuff that’s phenomenal, and, hopefully, I can get my hands on it and put my little stamp on it, before all is said and done
[Guitar International, October 2014]

There's a lot of material that's already done and I think it's in the process of being finished and eventually we'll pick out which songs need to come out with which other songs. So that's in the works. Hopefully it will be out really soon
[VH Radio Network, October 2014]

We've all been at it. We've all been, you know, handing files back and forth to one another in various combinations of different people, but also there is quite a bit of material that still needs to be finished and needs to be released. And so one or both of those things is gonna happen
[Pulse of Radio, October (?) 2014]
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopada 09, 2014, 08:52:54 pm wysłana przez daub »

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #54 dnia: Listopada 09, 2014, 08:59:45 pm »
Mam nadzieję, że nikt Twojego posta nie zacytuje...  :rolleyes:

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #55 dnia: Listopada 09, 2014, 09:05:11 pm »
Wg strony  Axl Rose Fan Club piosenka The General została wykonana podczas próby Video Music Awards w 2002 roku - podobno kilkoro ludzi ma ten materiał.

Piosenka Checkmate aka Jackie Chan została napisana przez Axla oraz Robina Fincka i nagrana w 2002 roku.
Podobno MSL ma całą piosenkę, podobno również sprzedał ją komuś za 8 milionów dolarów.

[tyle z tego co wyczytałem z translatora, resztę czyli cały materiał znajdziecie tu: ]

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« Odpowiedź #56 dnia: Grudnia 05, 2014, 10:45:46 am »
Czyli po tym, co powiedział Richard - wniosek jest jeden:
wszystkie nazwy utworów jakie się pojawiały w sieci nie są aktualne (albo w większej mierze nie aktualne)

There's some really good stuff. My favourite one is a track, I don't know if it has a title, but it is one that Robin Finck wrote, and it's fantastic. [Being asked if it is Soulmonster]. No, this one hasn't leaked at all. There's a lot that hasn't leaked. Thank God
[Intimate workshop with Richard, November 2014].

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #57 dnia: Grudnia 08, 2014, 09:35:39 pm »

"I know this week he’s [GUNS N’ ROSES singer Axl Rose] recording a lot of stuff, vocally."

"The way [Axl] generally works is that he doesn’t wanna take an idea that DJ sent and… What he’ll do is he’ll take a little piece that I sent, he’ll take a little piece that DJ sent on another track, and he’s always done that. Back even with the 'Appetite [For Destruction]' stuff, he would take a little bit from this, a little bit from that, and then put it together. And when you listen to it, you can sort of hear it. When you listen to the tracks, you can hear that it’s… Especially on 'Illusions' [the 'Use Your Illusion' albums], the opuses, [where] he took little bits from different people and put them together. He’s got a real talent for that.”


“Axl has two full albums that he has recorded. He has played me a bunch of songs off of that that are incredible! I can’t wait to get in and kind of dive into those as well. I’ve written tons of songs and demoed up a bunch of stuff. I think it is just a matter of getting in and sifting through the piles of material.”

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« Odpowiedź #58 dnia: Grudnia 09, 2014, 07:33:40 am »

Talking about music they have worked on: A lot of the new stuff that we've been working on, that, you now, some of the stuff that we've come in from nothing, and some of the stuff is stuff that we've been working on that were ideas that were there. Some of the stuff Slash did, that was like the beginning of, the seed of the song, you know, that's been around for long .

Being asked about writing new music: Dj and I have worked on stuff. Nobody's worked on stuff with Ron

There's so much stuff that's recorded. There is so much stuff that was done. I mean, there's three albums' worth of material, easy.

Being asked if Axl has sung on those three albums worth of material: Some of them, yeah, and some of them he is doing as we are here, 'cause I know this week he's recording a lot of stuff, vocally

[Intimate guitar workshop with Richard, November 2014].

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Odp: Co wiemy o kolejnym albumie Gunsów - informacje i cytaty
« Odpowiedź #59 dnia: Grudnia 22, 2014, 09:17:51 am »
Troszke takie gdybanie.... ale może faktycznie w 1998 powstał "Jackie Chan"

March 12th 1998

New GN'R song out on March 20th ?
Yesterday a friend told me that a new song by GN'R (probably not a cover) will be released on the 20th of March. This previously unreleased song will appear on the soundtrack for the Jackie Chan movie "A Nice Guy". The song was recorded before Slash left the band.
True or false? We'll have the answer soon...
source: "Tver" (a GN'R fan)


Od jakiej płyty zaczynaliście słuchać Gunsów?

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