Autor Wątek: Zadaj pytanie muzykom The Dead Daises!  (Przeczytany 2261 razy)

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Zadaj pytanie muzykom The Dead Daises!
« dnia: Maja 30, 2014, 06:20:34 pm »

The Dead Daises od początku swej działalności udowadnia, że chce mieć jak najlepszy kontakt z fanami. Tym razem, zespół uruchomił specjalną aplikację na Facebook’u, dzięki której każdy może zadać pytanie swojemu ulubionemu członkowi TDD.  Wystarczy wypełnić formularz znajdujący się pod TYM LINKIEM, w którym podajemy swoje imię i adres email, a następnie wybieramy któremu z muzyków chcemy zadać pytanie, które wpisujemy pod spodem. Każdy z muzyków wybierze najciekawsze ich zdaniem pytania i odpowie na nie w ciągu najbliższych tygodni.

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Odp: Zadaj pytanie muzykom The Dead Daises!
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Czerwca 01, 2014, 06:18:07 pm »
Też fajny sposób na kontakt z fanami :) Zadał ktoś może pytanie od nas ?

Offline Zqyx

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Odp: Zadaj pytanie muzykom The Dead Daises!
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Czerwca 10, 2014, 01:27:16 pm »
QUESTION 1: Hey Richard. i've been tryin' for far too long to control my speed and do what I want with it. any tips for becoming a fast player and for controlling speed on guitar?

ANSWER: I used to run scales and scale patterns up and down the neck while i was watching tv. It allows you to turn off your brain and just let you fingers do the memorizing. I'd often practice with a metronome and after I could play a scale or pattern across the neck 5 times without a mistake, i'd increase the tempo. I'd also spend time just focusing on my right hand without my left hand moving.

QUESTION 2: Richard ... Do you recall the times we got tattooed next to each other at MacDougal Tattoo in NYC? Josh worked on you while Andrea worked on me at the next station. I remember when Josh did that beautiful design on your hand. The good old NYC days! Hope to catch you on tour this summer.

ANSWER: I think that I do remember you. Josh is amazing. He now owns East Side Ink and another shop in Brooklyn called Graceland. I think he's definitely one of the top 10 in the world. Thanks for keeping up with what i'm doing and hope you are enjoying the Dead Daisies as much as I am!
Podaruj mi 1,5% podatku :) Dziękuję!
KRS: 0000186434
Cel szczegółowy: 569/W

"Hey, you caught me in a coma and I don't think I wanna
Ever come back to this world again"

Offline janina

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Odp: Zadaj pytanie muzykom The Dead Daises!
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Czerwca 10, 2014, 02:44:22 pm »
To tylko te dwa pytania do niego były :???:

Offline Zqyx

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    • Bumblefoot fans Poland - mój fanowski profil Rona
Odp: Zadaj pytanie muzykom The Dead Daises!
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Czerwca 30, 2014, 07:38:59 am »
Druga tura pytań:

Richard has answered his second round of questions from our Q&A. You can see all his answers below!

QUESTION 1: Midnite - How does it feel to play in two bands with so many talented artists?

I feel incredibly fortunate! It’s so great to be able to work with so many amazing musicians. It’s also very time consuming. It’s such an honor to have such great players want to work with me. It still blows me away when I look around on stage and I think “how the hell did i get HERE?!!”

QUESTION 2: Rowdy Prins - Hello Richard, big fan from the netherlands here. I actually have 2 questions. 1: How do you manage to get all the work done for all the bands and projects your in? and number 2 is: How do you hold your pick? I believe you use a Jazz III pick, but it sometimes looks like you hold your pick with three fingers. althoug I don’t actually think you do that. Giving me some insight in that would be awesome. Keep on rocking!! Greetingzz Rowdy Prins

Working with both bands is difficult with scheduling and work load. I try and spend as much time with my daughters as possible and playing with both bands makes it difficult. I’m constantly try and juggle everything and often times it’s not easy.

As for my pick, I do often hold it with 3 fingers and my thumb. The more rigid you can hold it, the better. At least for leads. For rhythm playing with a lot of the Gn’R stuff, I’ll use a more standard sized, thinner Dunlop for a different tone. I also play quite a bit with my fingers.

QUESTION 3: Tommy -If you had to choose your favorite tube type what would it be? Also what kind of tube in your mind brings just an incredible thunderous tone? What amp do you like your favorite tubes in?

Wow, i honestly don’t think i HAVE a favorite! I love EL84′s for some stuff, i love 6L6′s, 34′s, KT88′s. Really hard to say what is my favorite. I think that for heavy rock stuff, I always tend to lean towards EL34′s. THough I do love KT88′s for heavy sounds too, I think that overall, if you are going to pick one amp to play live with, i’d almost always go for 34′s. My signature Voodoo R4-100 has 34′s and that amp is amazing! Thanks for asking!
Podaruj mi 1,5% podatku :) Dziękuję!
KRS: 0000186434
Cel szczegółowy: 569/W

"Hey, you caught me in a coma and I don't think I wanna
Ever come back to this world again"

Offline Tymeg

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Odp: Zadaj pytanie muzykom The Dead Daises!
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Lipca 01, 2014, 07:58:20 am »
Ciekawe czy Richard dostaje tyle pytań o technikę gry i sprzęt, czy specjalnie takie wybiera?

Offline janina

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Odp: Zadaj pytanie muzykom The Dead Daises!
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Lipca 01, 2014, 04:23:15 pm »
Wydaje mi się ,że wybiera je sam .


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