(Masz w oryginale + tłumaczenie odpowiedzi)
What were your dreams as a teenager and which of them came true?
cp- i wanted to be a painter, or a writer, ...instead i ended up a lowly musician
Chcialem byc malarzem lub pisarzem, a skonczylem jako skromny muzyk
How did you join Gn'R?
cp- we merely fused together musical ideas and concepts, and it turned out
to be this record called Chinese Democracy
Po prostu polaczylismy nasze muzyczne koncepty a wyszla z tego plyta zatytulowana Chinese Democracy
How do you feel when you play shows like Rock am Ring ? What does it mean playing with
Gn'R for you? Is it a job, hobby, or just hanging out with friends?
cp- its really too nebulous to describe to anyone. words can't do it.
To zbyt mgliste zeby mozna to komukolwiek opisac slowami.
Is it possible that we will see you playing bass on some occassion? Are there any other
instruments you can play – perhaps the drums?
cp- On the recordings, ive played a multitude of instruments. On tour, I'll do vocals,
keyboards, acoustic guitar, bass and whatever comes up. when we do private
acoustic party gigs, i'll play a triangle or something that is as weird as possible
Podczas nagran gralem na wielu instrumentach. Na koncertach spiewam w tle, gram na klawiszach, na gitarze akustycznej, basie, na czymkolwiek trzeba. Gdy gramy sety akustyczne na prywatnych przyjeciach to gram na trojkacie albo na czyms rownie dziwacznym.
Would you like to visit Poland again? What did you like about our country?
cp- would love to return. I didn't have time to check out much outside of the stadium. drats
Bardzo chcialbym wrocic do Polski. Nie bylo czasu zeby zobaczyc cokolwiek poza stadionem. Dramat.
Is there anything you learned from Dizzy Reed?
cp- Dizzy is always a role model on How to be a Cool human being.
Dizzy jest zawsze wzorem do nasladowania w kwestii: jak byc cool czlowiekiem.
What's the best and the worst thing while being on tour with the band?
cp- the best thing is when the tour ends, the worst thing is waiting around and not sleeping much
Najlepsza rzecza jest kiedy trasa sie konczy, najgorsza czekanie tu i tam oraz niedosypianie.
Do you plan to record another cd with Lusk, Replicants or SexTapes?
cp- its an uncertain future, and i like that. for December 2008, I'm introducing a new band by playing
live in los angeles, its called 'The Walter Kronkite Trio' - its a unique concept, and entirely electronic.
Przyszlosc jest niepewna i to mi sie podoba. W grudniu 2008 zaczynam grac koncerty w LA z nowym zespolem – The Walter Kronkite Trio – to unikalny projekt i calkowicie elektroniczny.
Why, in your opinion, would people call your style "Super Funky Techno Beats"?
cp- when i hear the term 'techno beats', i think of House music or Disco. that music has never inspired me.
i like Super Funky though, like the groove i wrote in 'If the World'. which was actually based in Dub/Reggae
Kiedy slysze termin “techno beats” to kojarzy mi sie muzyka house albo disco, a to mnie nigdy nie pociagalo. Ale lubie „Super Funky” jak motyw groove ktory napisalem w If The World ktory wlasciwie wywiodl sie z Dub/Reggae
Is it true that you can perfectly parody / imitate Christopher Walken?
cp- no, but i can do a good Slim Pickens
Nie, ale umiem dobrze parodiowac Slima Pickensa
Do you like signing autographs and pose for photos with fans? Do people recognize you
often in the streets?
cp- i prefer to be anonymous, so i can freely move around and meet people genuinely
Wole byc anonimowym zebym mogl sie swobodnie poruszac i normalnie poznawac ludzi
How would you solve the problem with people illegally downloading music from the internet
so it would be good for the fans and recording artists as well?
cp- How would I solve it?
by providing free cell phone service, free satellite television, free movies ,and free anything that is
digital, just like what they do with music. and just as it has destroyed the Music Industry, and it has,
don't believe anything different, it would be nice to see the end of the Communications Industry, the
Entertainment Industry, etc. etc.
and then we can all go back to cuddling up next to the fire again with our hand drums and mouth harps
Jak bym ten problem rozwiazal? Wprowadzilbym darmowe uslugi telefonii komorkowej, darmowa telewizje satelitarna, darmowe filmy i wszystko co cyfrowe. Sciaganie muzyki za darmo zniszczylo przemysl muzyczny i uwierzcie mi, byloby milo zobaczyc tez koniec przemyslu komunikacyjnego i rozrywkowego itd. I wtedy moglibysmi wrocic do przytulania się przy ognisku grajach na harmonijkach ustnych i uderzajac rekami w bebenki.
Do you consider yourself a rich man?
cp- i would consider myself as broke-ass. try financing your own independent records, videos, and art
and you'll know what i mean
Uwazam sie za raczej za golodupca. Sprobujcie finansowac swoje niezalezne projekty muzyczne, teledyski oraz sztuke i wtedy zrozumiecie o czym mowie.
Is there anything you would like to say to Polish fans?
cp- Hi, how are you
Czesc, jak sie macie?
What question would you like to be asked? Please answer it.
cp- Am I a spokesman for Guns N Roses? No, i am merely doing promo for my band SexTapes and
thats why I am currently doing interviews. Everything that I say should be considered as both true and false.
Czy jestem rzecznikiem prasowym GNR? Nie, po prostu promuje mój zespol SexTapes i dlatego wlasnie udzielam wywiadow. Wszystko co mowie powinno być jednoczesnie uwazane za prawde i klamstwo.
What would you say to your fans about your last records (SexTapes and Chinese Democracy).
Kupcie je. Zdobadzcie winyle jesli macie taka mozliwosc – one daja najwyzsza jakosc muzyczna – możecie nazywac to Hi-Definition.
cp- go out and buy them. get vinyl records if you can. they provide the highest Sonic quality. think of it as HI-DEF