Wywiad krótki i prosty:
1) What are your expectations for the show in Chile?
BBFT: I expect to have a damn good time with a bunch of crazy Chileans...
2) Guns come with their families?
BBFT:Too soon to say for sure, I hope so. We'll see.........
3) Catcher In The Rye Or Shacker's Revenge?
BBFT: Shackler's for the energy, Catcher for the musicality...
4) Occupied japan guitar V of 2007?
BBFT: Am I bringing the Flying V? I may bring it, but don't know if I'll use it...
5) GNR that has meaning in your life before, during and AFTER?
BBFT: To me, GNR means
http://www.gnrtech.com/6) Robin Finck contact you?
BBFT: Yes, still in touch with Robin - let's all wish him and his family Happy Holidays!!
7) Any collaborations with your idols KISS & Van Halen someday?
BBFT: I'd love to work make music with any of them. Only if they're willing to lift the restraining orders they have against me.
BBFT: I have hundreds of thousands of potential Bumbletoes, I'm more than ready to re-populate the Earth with obnoxious little Yogi-Bear-sounding troublemakers. But I'm having too much fun spanking grown-ups at this point, no desire to start spanking children. But if you're interested I'd be more than happy to mail you some of my sperm.
9) Sometime in the GNR tour we hear songs like REAL?
BBFT: Nah, I'd rather people get up and go to the bathroom during one of my solos, not one of my songs - they may not come back if I played one of my songs.
10) A salute to GUNNERLAND & His 1,600 fans in Chile?
BBFT: I'm saluting. (Well, part of me is...) Y'all have a great Christmas and New Years, hope to see ya soon!