to ciekawe - poza tym stara spiewka
Appetite For Destruction has a sound that no other GN�R album after it had, what do you bring that down to?
Steven: �I grew up learning how to play drums not with a bass player, but with a guitar player; with Slash. Usually it was just me and him practicing. So in the songs I would play what he was playing instead of just keeping a simple 4/4 pattern; like all rock is 4/4 but instead of the boom-cha, you know bass-snare-bass-snare, he would be doing like k-ka-k-ka-k-ka�s on his guitar and I would do that on the drums.�
�When we got together with Duff� See, Duff is a natural guitar player, he didn�t start off playing bass - he started playing bass guitar two weeks before he got hooked up with me and Slash. Which obviously worked out, and worked for me, because his style of bass playing is more of the style of a guitar player, so it worked perfect.
Slash napisal ksiazke, Axl i Duff zaczeli, Steven konczy - ale moda zapanowala. Ale dobrze - bedzie kiedys przeczytac
ta sama historie widziana roznymi oczami