Nie jestem pewien czy to nadaję się na newsa, ale na mygnr znaleźć możemy relację pewnej użytkowniczki, która po koncercie w Wiedniu miała szczęście spotkać Axla,a później Angusa i jego żonę, z którymi dłużej porozmawiała, a następnie wszystko streściła na łamach forum. Dowiedzieć możemy się między innymi z jakiego powodu Axl (po części) odstawił na bok kapelusze i okulary podczas koncertów AC/DC, oraz co Angus mówi na chwilę obecną o planach AC/DC po trasie Rock Or Bust.
Oryginalny tekst:
First of, to the people here who dislike and were complaining about Axl wearing so many hats and stuff: You can thank Angus' wife Ellen for Axl cutting down on that a bit recently. Ellen said she told Axl's assistant (I assume she meant Beta) to tell him to get rid of the hats and sunglasses, at least on stage. And that people want to see his eyes and face when he is up there.
The lady standing next to me thanked her for doing that because "Axl has such a cute smile and people should see it."
Angus' wife actually agreed and said that Axl is very sweet and that he has been nothing but a pleasure to work with so far. She also said he was very funny and brought a lot of fun into the band again. She really seemed quite fond of him.
Then she went on and said that Axl came in well-prepared and he knew and would sing the songs exactly as they were on the albums. The guys in the band were confused at first, because they had been doing some of their own stuff "wrong" for so many years. But they checked and found out that Axl was right. And now they even had to re-program the teleprompters after all these years because of Axl!
As for Angus, asked whether AC/DC will continue after this tour and if he could imagine working together with Axl in the future, he said that right now their focus is just on finishing this tour and nothing is planned or decided yet. He said that they're going to sit down and think about what to do after the tour is done and when they hopefully know more about Brian's situation with his hearing.