Steven Tyler pytany o to, czy sam przyczynił się do reunionu. "I'm sure I'm not solely"
Ogólnie o reunionie:
"I ran into Axl at a club a year or two ago and told him he's crazy, we all miss them, and he needs to get the band back together"
"If they didn't get back together soon they would have missed their window and no one would have cared in 3 or 4 years"
People love Axl with the original band, they love him on his own but they want to see him with the
original guys"
"I said the same things to Axl that everyone said to me when me and Joe Perry were fighting"
"Guns N Roses music was part of the fabric of all people"
When asked about the animosity in GNR
"I get the whole thing, I can't talk about it. But they're talking and they got an offer. I hope Axl can see the greater picture and not be mad at Duff and Slash"
Howard asked if the beef was similar to the riff that tore apart Aerosmith, asked jokingly if one of the band members slept with another ones wife or something?
Steven said it was deeper then that. But the world needs to hear their music and they're talking to each other again.
Musimy wysłać do niego kogoś z NTS, żeby przekonał Stevena, że nie ma mowy o reaktywacji oryginalnego składu.

Nieuk jeden