Plotki, ploteczki!
Temat z plotkami, to wrzucam: ( jako newsa bym nie wrzucił, bo Axl Rose Fa Clube ma bogatą "historię"

you know what i mean

Chcecie, to wierzcie

Axl Rose - Fan Club brings firsthand, welcome proprietary information (surely) the scenes of the band. - tiaaa, jaasne

Check it:
- This week the Guns N 'Roses will have the first test, testing should be performed in Los Angeles, will be 20-30 days with four hours of daily testing;
- The repertoire is predefined, with only five tracks from "Chinese Democracy ";
- The" Appetite For Destruction "will be fully implemented;
- Go be announced two more presentations of Guns N 'Roses;
- As we reported earlier, Steven Adler and Izzy Stradlin will not be part of the meeting. But will conduct special appearances. One in the Coachella
- Presentations in South America MUST occur between late 2016 and early 2017.
Check out the new information this week:
- In the week spent there were three trials of Guns N 'Roses;
- Axl Rose was not present, only heard the audio of the new arrangements for songs from the "Chinese Democracy";
- Slash wanted to test Madagascar and Chinese Democracy;
- Once passed " Appetite For Destruction ",
- Izzy Stradlin would have been with Axl on Saturday;
- The band's team is already as big as the Use Your Illusion Tour;
- Chris Pitman seems really to have been dismissed.
Wiarygodność Alternative Nation pod względem newsów Gunsowych jest "podobna", z tym, że oni przynajmniej próbują znaleźć jakieś źródła, no i w temacie Gn'R dopiero się rozkręcają, dlatego nie traktujmy treści z tych portali ( plus oczywiście z Metal Sludge

) jako faktów

Ale pośmiać się można, no i sprawdzić po czasie, ile im wyszło z "przepowiedni"