Marc, How the hell did Slash let Axl get away with One and A Million?
Just seems odd to me, considering Slash's background.
-Slash knew where Axl was coming from and that he meant no harm and also when your in a band it's a give and take thing.
Jak to sie stalo ze Slash pozwolil zeby OIAM uszlo Axlowi na sucho?
Dziwne, zwazywszy na pochodzenie Slasha.
-Slash wiedzial skad pochodzil Axl i ze nie chcial nikomu zrobic krzywdy tym tekstem a poza tym bycie w zespole polega na
wzajemnych ustepstwach.
The last time Slash went there was because his wife made him. Just before he did that he called me for Axl's phone number and when I said that I couldn't do that he said I know I know and then I herd Perla saying things to him. He said that he was sorry for asking and I could tell in his voice that he was being pushed into it. Also at that time Perla hated Duff and Slash was not getting along with Scott and Duff that well and was doing heavy drugs and lots of them that should have killed him. He was living in hell. He also started a big law suit about not getting paid for things from GNR and was drunk at the time of the visit. He could have easily said bad things about some of the guys in VR to Beta. At that point he would have fucked a snake to talk with Axl and if nothing else just to get Perla off his back. She was the one who wanted the reunion at that time. But then the whole thing backfired on Slash when Axl called the press. It could have cost him loosing VR and then he would have nothing.
Years latter Slash said it would be cool to go out and do some shows with the old band but now he has given up on that one. So I don't think he will be going to Axl's house anytime soon. I do hope somehow they and up in the same room together someday if nothing else just to get some shit off their chest.
Marc o slynnej wizycie Slasha w domu Axla
Slash poszedl tam bo zona go zmusila. Zaraz przed tym jak poszedl zadzwonil do mnie zebym mu podal telefon do Axla a ja odpowiedzialem mu ze nie mogę tego zrobic, Slash powiedział „wiem, wiem” a potem usłyszałem jak Perla cos do niego mowi. Slash powiedzial “sorry ze prosilem o ten numer”, a ja wyczulem w jego glosie ze ktos go tego zmusza. Poza tym wtedy Perla nienawidzila Duffa, Slashowi nie układało się dobrze ze Scottem i Duffem, bral duzo twardych narkotykow które właściwie powinny go zabic. Przezywal pieklo. Zlozyl pozew do sadu o tantiemy z piosenek GNR ktorych nie dostawal i byl pijany kiedy poszedł do Axla. Bez trudu mogl zle wypowiedziec się o chłopakach z VR kiedy rozmawial z Beta. Wowczas Slash zrobilby wszystko (nawet wyruchal weza) zeby pogadac z Axlem I zeby Perla dala mu spokoj. To wlasnie ona chciala reunionu wtedy. Ale pozniej cala sprawa obrocila sie przeciw Slashowi kiedy Axl powiadomil prase. Moglo go to kosztowac posade w VR a wtedy zostalby z niczym.
Pare lat pozniej Slash powiedzial ze byloby fajnie zagrac kilka koncertow ze starym skladem ale teraz zarzucil już ten pomysl. Wiec nie sadze zeby znow mial zamiar isc do domu Axla w najblizszym czasie. Mam nadzieje ze tak sie stanie ze znajda sie kiedys w tym samym miejscu i wyrzuca z siebie to co maja sobie do powiedzenia (dalej pisze - ze moze na sali sadowej).