Dzielny ten nasz Bobby Jarzombek
Pioruny walą na lewo i prawo a ten filmuje - trochę to jednak nieroztropne
No ale sytuacja naprawdę groźnie wyglądała. On był dosłownie "Stuck Inside" w tej ciężarówce.
Trochę newsów z mediów brazylijskich:,,GIM1229598-7823-TEMPORAIS+PROVOCAM+DESTRUICAO+NO+RIO+E+EM+SAO+PAULO,00.html^ filmik o nawałnicy w Rio (ten mega deszcz i burza trwały ok. 1 godziny i takie spustoszenie!) i nie tylko (ciężką sytuację z silnymi wiatrami mieli też w Belo Horizonte i Sao Paulo). Są tu m. in. zdjęcia sceny dziś z rana, jak to wyglądało już po burzy. Wg reporterki 2 osoby zostały lekko ranne.
^ Trio papużek-nierozłączek czy co? Caram, Chris & Frankie
Chris dostał koszulkę miejscowego klubu Flamengo, gdyż jest fanem tej drużyny i miał w niej wystąpić na niedzielnym koncercie,,MUL1530343-9865,00-FOTO+GUITARRISTA+DO+GUNS+NROSES+GANHA+CAMISA+DO+FLAMENGO.htmlhihi po piątkowym występie na basie, wzięli go teraz za gitarzystę GN'R (w nagłówku newsa)
Coś mi się wydaje, że obecność Caram'a na trasie SA nie jest wyłącznie rozrywkowo-wypoczynkowa. Może on jest współproducentem tego powstającego filmu dokumentalnego lub teledysków, co o tym myślicie?
Parę słów od Baz'a o wydarzeniach w Rio, zniszczonym i ukradzionym sprzęcie jego zespołu podczas wypadku ciężarówki, zagubionym bagażu Johnny Chromatic'a, oczekiwaniach przed koncertem w Porto Alegre i dalszej trasie:
Sebastian Bach 6:02 PM 3/16/2010 Porto Alegre Brasil
You just can't make this stuff up. All the reports u have heard are true. I dont know where to begin this update! After what was certainly one of the best gigs of our career, Sao Paulo, things got completely crazy, only this time it was none of our fault! I spent the afternoon of t...he Rio concert on the beach getting some sun. I noticed some foreboding clouds forming in the sky around this time, but thought nothing of it; we've played in the rain before. Then I had dinner at 5pm & got ready for the show as usual. About 7pm I got a call from our tour manager saying "you have a night off tonight" . WHAT??? The tornado that hit Rio de Janeiro completely demolished the stage. On top of that, on the way to Rio from Sao Paulo, our truck carrying all our equiptment drove off a cliff & rolled down the hill. Thank God I am able to report that the driver is ok. Not so with the stage collapse.... many local crew guys were hurt but thank God there are no fatalities to report. Which might not have been the case if this tornado hit Rio an hour later; the crowd would have been in the venue at that time. As evidenced by the pictures , there most certainly would have been massive carnage had the crowd been in the venue at the time of the stage collapse. I thank God yet again for the timing of this incident... we missed it happening while we were onstage by about only an hour. Obviously we feel totally rotten for the fans who bought tickets to the show that didn't happen. I have heard we are trying to reschedule the show & I sure do hope this goes down! We are dying to play for you Rio de Janeiro! Which brings us to tonights show in Porto Alegre. When our truck rolled off the cliff, all the drums were smashed. Bobby's 'Angel Down' custom bass drum heads do not exist anymore (total bummer). Worse yet, when the truck was at the bottom of the cliff, locals came out & raided the scene, stealing whatever they could. All of Johnny Chromatic's guitars are missing right now. The airlines lost Johnny's luggage as well on the way to Rio. Johnny is right now on tour in South America with literally no instruments & no clothes. All he has right now is the shirt & shorts he is wearing. Lucky for him it's warm down here! We all feel like total shit for Johnny. Guns N' Roses have been kind enough to offer us use of any equiptment we need for the rest of the tour. Which means we can play the gigs! As I write this at 6pm local time, we have no idea what time we're going on tonight. GNR's backline is still not on the stage due to the 19 hour drive from Rio to Porto Alegre. We are shooting for a 9pm set time but it could be later. It has taken us all everything we got to pull off tonight's show... the show must go on! See you in a couple of hours Porto Alegre! Bobby Jarzombek had the balls to capture all of the Rio madness on film. Check out Bobby's unbelivable footage right here!