Inne podejście do tych koncertów jest:
"I don't usually post this kind of thing, but, as this was in the public domain of Facebook, I think it's safe to do so (unless told to remove by Mods etc!)
Pablo is a friend of mine on FB........he posted how he had missed a connecting flight and was going to be late......I posted, 'Makes a change from Mr Rose being late I suppose.' To which came this reply - 'He hasn't been late once with AC/DC. In fact he has been the one driving forward all rehearsals with total dedication
He is a funny nice guy and has surprised me in his work ethic. I personally can't say a bad thing against him.
As far as how it will all work out only time will tell. And yes we all miss Brian, but Axl is being 100% dedicated.'
I'm pleased for the crew that this is the case, so far.""
Gdyby śpiewając w Gunsach miał tylu hejterów, ilu ma w AC/DC, to też by się bardziej starał