Autor Wątek: Axl rozmawia z fanami  (Przeczytany 25262 razy)

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #105 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 11:02:22 am »
Axl to mistrz z prawdziwego zdarzenia. Już miałam się wściekać o tę ciszę dookoła płyty a tu taki numer odstawił. Umie gościu zadowolić swoich fanów :) Tak niespodziewanie... Pokazał swoją ludzką naturę. No wyobraźcie sobie co musi czuć gościu, który pisał z samym Rosem na forum.
Może na nasze też kiedys wpadnie ;)

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #106 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 11:02:27 am »
Wstałem koło 7 ,to już był,a cała impreza skończyła się gdzieś koło 11,czy 12. Trochę się nasiedział.
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"Hey, you caught me in a coma and I don't think I wanna
Ever come back to this world again"

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #107 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 11:05:30 am »
No wyobraźcie sobie co musi czuć gościu, który pisał z samym Rosem na forum.
Można się tylko domyślać. Ja bym wtedy robił screeny z tego albo wydrukował i w ramkę na ścianę  :sorcerer:
[size=3.75pt]Read it baby with the morning news, with a sweet hangover and the headlines too  8) [/size]

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #108 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 11:09:47 am »
warto mieć już przygotowane parę osób z pytaniami (piszę się na to :) ) i wtedy zaatakować forum
Właśnie. Może byśmy wspólnie wymyślili jakieś pytania (na tyle ciekawe, żeby Axl chciał na nie odpowiedzieć). Tylko problem w tym, że nie wiadomo, kiedy następny taki 'chat' się odbędzie. Trzeba mieć wszystko przygotowane, a kilka osób w zasięgu komputera cały czas. A gdyby wcześniej ogłosili, że tego i tego dnia, Axl wpadnie na forum, pewnie nikt by się nawet nie dopchał.

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #109 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 11:16:03 am »
:) w końcu ktoś mnie poparł ;) Ja do akcji mogę włączyć tel kom i neta mam 24h/dobe :-) Proponuję jak ktoś ma pomysły na pytania założyć topic i tam działać :)

Offline Allenstein_gunner

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #110 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 11:20:15 am »
:) w końcu ktoś mnie poparł ;) Ja do akcji mogę włączyć tel kom i neta mam 24h/dobe :-) Proponuję jak ktoś ma pomysły na pytania założyć topic i tam działać :)
popieram również  :)
[size=3.75pt]Read it baby with the morning news, with a sweet hangover and the headlines too  8) [/size]

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #111 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 11:34:01 am »
Dlaczego sie spozniasz na koncerty?
-Jestem czlowiekiem który najlepiej czuje się po polnocy odkad wymykalem się z domu o tej porze bedac nastolatkiem. Ze starymi Gunsami preferowalismy 12 w poludnie czy cos. Kiedy zaczelismy grac w halach, stadionach to się oczywiście zmienilo ale ja się nigdy nie zmienilem. Nie wazne co robie po prostu po polnocy czuje się bardziej soba. To nie ma nic wspolnego z wkurzaniem kogos kto woli wczesniejsze godziny.

Jeśli chodzi o wielkosci miejsc koncertowych to naprawde wszystko mi jedno ale menagement i promotorzy dzieki swoim zakulisowym gierkom mogą naprawde wiele rzeczy spieprzyc. Kiedy trasa jest już dogadana i rozpisana naprawde ciezko cos zmienic, to tak jak by sprawic żeby morze się rozstapilo.

Jeśli chodzi o spoznianie się –cale zycie się spozniam. Strasznie wkurzalo to Izziego ale on miał w zwyczaju sprawdzenie co robie i przewaznie przyznawal ze rzeczywiscie miałem cos waznego do zrobienia przed koncertem, cos wazniejszego niż ogladanie meczu koszykowki etc.

[size=3.75pt]GUNS AND ROSES[/size]

[size=3.75pt]la banda mas peligrosa del planeta[/size]

Offline paulucha92

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #112 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 11:49:40 am »
No wyobraźcie sobie co musi czuć gościu, który pisał z samym Rosem na forum.
Można się tylko domyślać. Ja bym wtedy robił screeny z tego albo wydrukował i w ramkę na ścianę  :sorcerer:
Dokładnie :D To byłoby przekazywame u mnie z pokolenia na pokolenie.

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #113 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 11:59:10 am »
Dlaczego w CITR nie ma Briana Maya?
-Jest kilka powodow ale żaden z nich jakis ogromny i na pewno nie z powodu braku szacunku dla kogos.

Po pierwsze, wiedzialem ze ludziom podoba się ta piosenka ale o fakcie ze podoba się tez Brianowi dowiedzialem się dopiero gdy publicznie się na ten temat wypowiedzial, a wtedy
GNR było już w zupelnie innym miejscu tworzenia. Tak naprawde to niewielu ludzi obchodzil CITR, wiekszosc komentarzy była w stylu-dlaczego nie ma tam Slasha.

Solo Briana jest jednym z moich ulubionych i naprawde nie moglem pojac ze robota takiej legendy rocka jak on nie została wówczas bardziej doceniona.

Wlasciwie to wiele z tych odczuc i emocji które się teraz pojawiaja mialo duzo wspolnego ze mna i Seanem Beavanem. Wybieralismy rozne wersje, probki z tego co nagrywam Brian żeby mieć pewnosc ze mielismy te wszystkie elementy w jednej calosci. Calosc skladala się ze zmontowanych fragmentow wokół jednej tonacji (?) które Brian nagral a przeznaczone były raczej do wykasowania. I mimo ze wydawalo się ze Brian przekonal się do tego, to przynajmniej publicznie wyrazil niezadowolenie z naszej wlasnorecznej roboty.

Pamietam ze spojrzalem na Briana stojacego z mojej lewej strony i wpatrujacego sie w oslupieniu na wielkie glosniki w studiu mowiac: “ale to nie jest to co zagralem”.

Beavan i ja w zadnym wypadku nie chcielismy wkurzac Briana, po prostu zrobilismy co zrobilismy a potem bronilismy podjetych przez nas decyzji.

Czy ciagle myslisz o tym zeby wytoczyc process Pepperowi?
-Pewnie, ale te dalekoidace kroki ktory zostaly podjete nie maja nic wspolnego ze mna, jako ze bylem zupelnie zaskoczony cala sytuacja i powiedzialem naszej ekipie (ktorej k***a zalezy)- teraz skupiamy się na plycie.

Zgadzam się z ich publiczna odpowiedzia. Była slodka.

Chyba koles który to wymyslil na poczatku spodziewal się czegos innego a wyszedl kwas. Może to tylko moje zdanie ale mysle ze jemu chodzilo tylko o rozglos...

jeszcze zostaly ze 4 pytania do przetlumaczenia, pozniej
« Ostatnia zmiana: Grudnia 13, 2008, 12:01:26 pm wysłana przez DrDrei »
[size=3.75pt]GUNS AND ROSES[/size]

[size=3.75pt]la banda mas peligrosa del planeta[/size]

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #114 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 12:42:48 pm »
Mi się z tego wszystkiego podoba fakt, że Axl wybrał forum do komunikacji z swoim fanami, a nie media. Wiadomo, że media potrafią inczej napisać pewną wypowiedź, tak aby mieć sensację na pierwszej stronie gazety. Mógłby to częściej powtarzać... Pomysł z pytaniami od nas mi się podoba i mam nadzieję, że na któreś z naszych pytań udało by się Axlowi odpowiedzieć...

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #115 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 12:50:51 pm »
Hubik masz rację  ;) Zawsze media coś dodają od siebie i potem wychodzą z tego kwiatki. A to się dzieje na żywo  :D Miejmy nadzieję że nie zniechęcimy Axl'a do dalszej konwersacji.

Offline Brou

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #116 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 05:21:06 pm »
Dzisiejszy zbiór z

Axl if under assumption you tour the UK again will you be going back to Newcastle? despite the last time one prick there throwing pound coins about. I was there that night in 2006 and it would be a shame for the next tour not to stop there because of one idiot out of thousands (althouh I'm sure it's a lot more complicated then that and down to promotors).
That wouldn't stop us from playing there again. And the whole throwing shit sucks and is pretty cowardly but the leaving I got at Donnington from Lemmy. When we 1st played Donnington I was so happy I had knocked a bottle of piss out of the air when Lemmy gave me a lecture how if another band got hurt because I allowed people to throw things at our shows I'd be responsible for other bands getting hurt. Whether real or there's an argument against that, I've never been able to have anything override that in my head, not even a riot and I don't know why.
If you're working hard and some cunt throws something so he can tell his buddies I don't see where it's worth it.

Is Silkworms on the next record? It's a masterpiece.
has a lot of guitars, lots of different drum work, the chorus is gone.

Just wondering if there truly was a rap song with shaq on it that you recorded? this is one of the many rumours flying aroudn since this albums conception and i think we all wanna know..and its its real i want to hear it now...please send it to me in a PM ..NOW..haha
Imo that was just cheap shots from media jerkoffs knowing that Shaq wasn't the most popular or respected rapper publicly. I've never met the man. He goofed around with Paul and Diz and it went from there.

What is Brains status? Can you bring back Breakdown or Dead Horse to the set? Your music means more to me than I could ever express.
I think he's doing alright. Maybe I should check. On the songs maybe, more interested in the newer now. And thank you, means a lot.

What's your opinion on the CD album, and being banned in China?
China's a tough place. A lot of us have no idea how good we have it and think less of those less fortunate. The Chinese people have been kept in the dark thru literally the fear of incarceration or death which to most is either unimaginable or only able to be contemplated w/stories or movies and such where there it's an all encompassing environment and they're growing larger everyday.

How does an average GNR rehearsal go? like, do you jam on any covers, go over songs until they are extremely tight? etc. Also, how frequent are Guns N' Roses rehearsals?
Frequency depends on the reason say a tour or particular gig and how we feel about where we're at with whatever the material is and not so much on the covers but lots of jams. Generally there's a lot of fun but a lot of work and these guys take it very seriously which is great.

How do you feel about meeting your fans?
What is the best way for a fan to meet you, if they happen to be a dude (since the stereotype is that rockers only wanna meet hot chicks)
I like meeting all kinds of fans but after a show (I realize that's the only time some may feel they have an opportunity but w/the exception of close friends around...) not to be offensive but I'm generally not looking forward to walking off stage to hang with guys whether they're fans or not. I deal with Guns all day every day so coming off stage to talk about the band is just like more of the same. Unless there's pressing business I wanna forget that till it's time to go at it again the next day. And people may enjoy meet and greets and have their reasons why it meant a lot for them which I respect but overall charging fans for it I thinks disgusting of bands. Now if they did it for free to winners of a contest etc that would be different. Charging is lame. How to meet bands? Maybe try to hang out places u might hear they do sometimes.

How much does the book 'Catcher in the Rye' inform the song, or is is soley referring to Chapman?And are there any plans of touring South Africa?
For me the song is inspired by what's referred to sometimes as Holden Caulfield syndrome. I feel there's a possibility that how the writing is structured with the thinking of the main character could somehow reprogram for lack of a better word some who may be a bit more vulnerable, with a skewed way of thinking and tried to allow myself to go what may be there or somewhat close during the verses. I'd think for most those lines are enjoyed as just venting, blowing off steam, humor or some type of entertainment where it may be how others seriously live in their minds.
The bridge b4 the solo is an artistic interpretation of a institutionalized mind. The outro is a tribute to Lennon and an indictment of the author for writing what i feel is utter garbage and I agree whole heartedly that it should be discontinued as required reading in schools. That's my take, I could be completely wrong, I do realize that the song and title could have the next poor soul reading the book and feeling inspired to make an unfortunate statement. So there's the catch I guess.
When I came up with the focus, I got a call from the director of Imagine wanting a bunch of money to make a documentary, had a guy sending me strange packages about Lennon and serial killers etc and the web started calling me Salinger w/no one knowing what I was writing. I figured I was on the right track at least for a song.

Chinese Democracy awesome, but it's a pretty ballady album compared to previous GNR albums. Is this the new direction of GNR or will some of the future GNR albums be more focused on hard rocking songs again?
What I know is it's the record that was able to get through the red tape and get itself out there while helping friends, loved ones and myself along the way. The whole ballad or rocker thing has never been something I've ever cared too much about. There's some meaner sections ahead but a particular focus once there were a few of the newer guys together was to bring a bit more beauty into our efforts.

If you're composing music (piano) are you using some computer software to write the notes down or are you using a sheet of paper and a pen for this?’
If I want to capture it I either use Logic or Protools in the studio. I've tried recording myself otherwise for years but for some reason no matter what's there it doesn't seem to be where my real focus should ultimately be.

Hey Axl, alot of the gnr fans always say how good the House of Blues 01/01/01 show is,
are you thinking about releasing that for the fans in dvd or download soon?
No plans for any live shows as DVD's currently.

Also, would u consider GNR to perform for a charity cause, and if yes what that cause would be?
All depends on the cause and if it feels right for us at the time. There could be a disaster that we felt strongly about being involved with helping in some way but often these turn into ways for bands to just promote themselves not really caring but looking so publicly. Or the money doesn't reach the victims or those in need while the celebrities are promoted for thier efforts. Efforts at what? Not into that so much. Medical situations are always important. If you're really helping then I'm for it. Which one's I couldn't really say it's not like I would draw a line or argue the importance of one over another in most cases.   

Q1 What do you do in your spare time for a hobby what else do you love except music?
Q2 If you don't mind would you tell me what are your favorite 10 albums of 2008 and all time favorites i would like to know more about your music taste.
Q3 The Bonus Question hahah. Chinese Democracy was a brilliant album ,but to you miss the old Guns from time to time and when can we expect more from the musical guineas you're?
Cars, checking out art, F1.
I'm more into film scores.
I miss the illusion we shared for only a few months if that of thinking we were in this together. It wasn't real or if so only ever so briefly while deeper currents of ambitions were temporarily put aside but I didn't know that then.

Axl, here's a list of rumored song titles.  Can you tell us which ones are bogus and which ones are real? […]
Ides Of March, Oklahoma, Atlas Shrugged,  Oh My God, Silkworms , Down By The Ocean (Izzy), Leave Me Alone, Seven , The General , Thyme , Quick Song , Zodiac Most all titles subject to change w/out warning and r considered working titles.

Axl sebastian bach mentioned you were writing an autobiography how is that progressing?
It's not exactly an autobiography as much as legal record of every last detail of what went down with the breakup. I have about 40k words on it (don't know where 1200 came from) but it's generally really depressing so I don't go back to it so much.

Axl - could you pklease talk at all about what inspired the lyrics to Shackler's Revenge and/or Catcher? Or the meaning behind Riad?
Shackler's was inspired by the insanity of senseless school shootings and also the media trying desperately to make more out of one shooter's preference for the Guns song Brownstone to no avail.
That said, listening for my own enjoyment or if we were to make a video or performing it I lean more to the entertainment of a horror flick or something like Dexter, something with an interesting menacing character as opposed to real life.

I tried sending this ages ago but apparently it never went through. It was a direct response but now fits others questions on the same subject.
The whole whose it about bit w/songs doesn't work for me that much as in whether a line or whatever was inspired by a particular person or situation doesn't mean that in the end that's what or who the song's about.
I could be working with clay and think of someone or something and somehow that could inspire me to take the work in a different direction at the moment but in the end it could just be a nice vase.
I often wonder where the people who inspired so many songs are now and why it's only important with some songs such as Layla as opposed to others. I'm guessin' a fair # of beautiful love songs or otherwise were inspired by some that the artists and public might consider now or in hindsight to be the opposite of how they are depicted or allegedly represented. 
With Sorry.. like a lot of the material is drawn from a lot of different situations. The main focus on the boards w/the track seems to be either Slash or "the fans" (and the collective of "the fans" is another thing that doesn't work for me) and is much too restrictive or narrow and limits what I feel I intended.
For me it's for anyone talking nonsense at mine and the public's expense and that many of those as well as the public don't know who to believe.
Also where possible I'd like to give people the opportunity to get what they can from the material for a while before clouding that with my inspirations. Of course that's not always avoidable.

« Ostatnia zmiana: Grudnia 13, 2008, 05:23:18 pm wysłana przez Brou »

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #117 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 05:24:52 pm »
Brou : Dziękuję za wrzucenie,wiem,że trochę pewnie to zajęło,bo sam wrzucałem przedtem.  :)
Dr Drei : Dziękuję za tłumaczenia :)
Podaruj mi 1,5% podatku :) Dziękuję!
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"Hey, you caught me in a coma and I don't think I wanna
Ever come back to this world again"

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Odp: Axl rozmawia z fanami
« Odpowiedź #118 dnia: Grudnia 13, 2008, 05:45:30 pm »
-Hey axl smile

what effect do leaks REALLY have on the band/the album? Theres a lot of speculation but no clear answer.

Thanks for your time

Basically for us it's devastating across the board. And when u have such a majority openly justifying their actions and throwing out nonsense such as it's not actually stealing as the original is still with whomever it's unbelievably insane.

It exists because of the greed of the record industry, the greed of large scale pirating, the ease and common nature now of the act itself and personal motivations such as popularity among certain groups, possible momentary media recognition etc.

And it's too rampant and widespread. It's simply too huge a mess for the courts to deal with and in that with those #'s and the expense and manpower involved necessary at this time to curtail it... obviously there are more serious crimes for society to focus on.

Besides, fuck musicians right? If they didn't make enough already then they probably suck anyway rt? "I ain't cryin' for no rich dude." Whatever.

And who knows? What are our #'s on the torrent sites for this album? I don't know. So I don't know how or if it's affected us in terms of sales this time around. Maybe not but w/the economy and the core of our market I'd think there's a possibility it has had a negative effect. Anyone?

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[size=3.75pt]GUNS AND ROSES[/size]

[size=3.75pt]la banda mas peligrosa del planeta[/size]


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