Solid, co Ty nie powiesz
To jest jedyny film (no może oprócz Ostatniego Jednorożca) podczas którego dziwnie się czuję (kurczaczek, nawet nie wiem jak to nazwać, chyba Mistycyzm
!?! ). Szkoda że w Polsce nie można dostać oryginału, tzn. Komiksu The Crow (ale mam trochę materiałów z niego
). Podziwiam to co zrobił J.O' Barr, szczególnie że są to Jego "wspomnienia".
Eric Draven: I have something to give you. I don't want it anymore. Thirty hours of pain all at once, all for you.
Eric Draven: They're all dead. They just don't know it yet.
Sarah: What are you supposed to be, some kinda clown or something?
Eric Draven: Sometimes.
Gideon: Please, I'm beggin' you. Don't kill me.
Eric Draven: I'm not going to kill you. Your job will be to tell the rest of them that death is coming for them, tonight. And tell them Eric Draven sends his regards.
Albrecht: I thought you were, like, invincible.
Eric Draven: Well I was, but not any more.
Eric Draven: I see you have made your decision, now let's see you enforce it.
Top Dollar: Aw, this is already boring the shit out of me. Kill 'im!