Autor Wątek: Wywiad z Fernando (2001)  (Przeczytany 3963 razy)

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Wywiad z Fernando (2001)
« dnia: Listopada 12, 2010, 09:08:59 pm »
Nie wiem czy był. A teraz ktoś wrzucił go na mygnrforum wiec:

It was published a few days after the Rock In Rio 3 concert:

When did you move to the US?
In 93 or 94.

You knew Guns N' Roses by the time?
Yeah but I was not a fan, I didn't know their full work.

How was the first time you met Axl?
I was 13 and I was at my cousin Stephanie Seymour house (Beta was married to an uncle of the model). He was washing the car and he greeted me, and then squirted water on me with his mouth, he always played with me when we met. He sees on me whe closest he would like to have been when he was a child.

You always hang out together?
We're always working together, but he likes to go out at night, go to the cinema, have a dinner, and we get back by 3, 4 AM.

How your mom started to work with him?
My mom worked for Stephanie, but lost her job, and then we moved to the north of California. Axl called her on the next day saying he liked our family. Three or four day's later she started to work for him. Then I started to listen to his songs.

What do you think about Stephanie?
I hate her. She's trouble. She's fake, and not reliable. She doesn't know what's love or liking someone without having other interests on the relationship. Her mother is also like this.

What kind of woman is Axl searching now?
He's not searching. He's all about the CD now, he doesn't want any distraction. He even looks for it, but he's not searching.

What is the reason for the delay of the cd?
It's like whenever he tries to do something, another thing goes wrong. Like if everything was going well, and then the guy that was responsible for any tecnical detail makes a mistake, for example. I'm saying this because I've been with him on the studio and it's like if something was trying to get him out of this project. I heard the new CD and all the songs are beatiful, there are no songs that are there only to fill space. The CD will probably have 16 or 17 songs, and all the songs are very strong. I'm not saying this because I work for him or because I'm his best friend. My friends, for example, when they listen to any of the songs they say it's very beatiful and very good.Catcher in the Rye, This I love, That's Called The Blues, Chinese Democracy, they are all beatiful.

How's the creation process?
First, Axl works the rhythm with the band. Axl has the lyrics ready on his mind. He's working really hard to see what word fits with what word he already has in mind for the sound he listens. He is brilliant.

Rolling Stone published an article saying that Axl gives Halloween parties every year. That' truth?
I think it started in 95. But RS published this article saying that the people who were there were there for obligation, that's a lie. Axl makes two parties: On the 1st day, for for children, children of friends, underprivileged children, abused by relatives, blind... Around 100 kids come to the party, and when they get into the house they get amazed, Axl makes like a big playground with everything you can imagine. The other one is for adults, and Rolling Stone said people were hating the party, saying that we were serving Jose Cuervo, but we were actually serving the best tequila, the best you can buy. We even rent a tequila fount, but Rolling Stone omited that. People are the same every year, some actually call some days before the invitations to ask about it. This is one of the few parties Axl does, because people think Axl's house is surrounded of loud music and drinks everywhere. He only drinks tequila, and he doesn't get drunk or mad, he's one of the most affectionate person I know. He's always kind with his friends, and when trouble gets closer he turns around and goes away.

And about the internet?
He likes to surf on it, but when he reads lies about him and sees he can't do anything about it, he gets upset. Fans read public chats and fake stories are repeated so many times that they start to believe it.

What about Renato and Xozi, that Axl mentioned on Rock In Rio?
I don't remember, but there are some people professional in spreading lie, particular telephones and andresses. Must be one of them.

And Karen McNeil?
This person needs help. Once she followed the maid and got into our home. She's creepy, she thinks Axl comunicates with her throw letters, and believe, she thinks he has come kind of love relationship with my mom, and that's not truth. She thinks that Beta is the only thing blocking her marriage with Axl.

What's Axl's relation with Slash?
Have not spoken in years. But it's a relation where people see Axl as the vilain. If something went wrong, who's the If something went wrong, who's to blame? If Slash does something, nobody knows it, like Snakepit, what's so good about that album? It's not on any MTV chart, nobody buys it, but Slash "is the key of GNR", "Guns is Slash and Axl"... He was a good guitarrist, but that's not like this, Axl doesn't have to be the one to blame for everything. Slash uses drugs and was in the hospital due to an overdose, ok, so what? If it was with Axl... For example, once I was at home and I saw someone running in the garden, and Axl's bedroom is on top of mine, and I thought that the person may have jumped from his window and ran. I went to Axl's bedroom and knocked his door, but Axl was in the shower and didn't hear. I didn't know that and called the police. When they got there, the paramedics came too, and said they were there to rescue a victim of overdose. I didn't even mention overdose, but they thought it was an overdose because it was Axl Rose house. Slash has overdoses and no one gets to know it. Slash wanted to end Guns N' Roses and take the band to bars. Axl told him that wasn't possible, they couldn't play for 1000 people and attract 200,000. But if Axl agreed with Slash, he would be the blamed for the flop of the idea.

So that's Axl's version for Slash quitting Guns N' Roses?
Everyone talks about Slash's version and Axl's version. There's no Axl version, because what Axl says is the truth. Axl doesn't lie, he only tells the truth. But Slash wanted the Snakepit songs on the Guns album, and Axl didn't, then Slash started to diffcult the work. He didn't accept other songs but his songs.

And why Duff left?
He left because he wanted a family, and his daughter was born and he wanted time for the family. That's what I heard, I don't know anything about the legal process. They were friends but have not spoken in years.

What's your opinion about
I met him when I was a kid. He has a different voice. I don't have a friendship with him. He knows me, knows I'm son of Beta.
Duff: I think I met him 3 or 4 times, but we never really talked. He looks cool.
Matt: I don't like him. He thinks he is better than he actually is.
Buckethead: He's very cool, very kind. Apart from Axl is the most kind and affective person I know. We're very friends.
Brain: He's is great, more than cool.
Fink: He was criticised for playing "Sossego" but do you know someone else who would do it? He learned the song one day before the concert.Axl and Guns loves Brazil, they feel a connection with the fans, they really love, with no falsity. Robin realised that and saw Brazil on the same way. He learned by himself how to play and sing the song.

Axl speaks portuguese?
No, only a few dirty words.

What kind of boss he is?
Everybody loves him, he is always willing to hear what you have to say. He pays very well, and always wants to know what's happening, but don't lie to him, because if you do he says "Well, if you're gonna lie to me, do it somewhere else". Mainly if it has something to do with Guns N' Roses.

Is it true that Axl is dating Sabrina
No, he trusts her. She is a great friend.

And Suellen?

What does he thinks about Napster?
If it's for search, he likes, but if it's to get free music, he doesn't.

Now I'm gonna ask you some stuff and you're gonna tell me if it's truth or lie.
Axl has paid out millions in an exorcism?

(Laughes) lie.

He dressed like a prince to ask Stephanie to marrie him? Who had the idea?
He used a white horse... I think so. I don't know who had the idea.

There's a MTV Brazil VJ, Cuca, that said that Axl wanted to date her, but she didn't want because he was not tall, he smelled bad and was ugly. Do you know something about it?
I didn't hear anything, but he's not small, he has 1,75m I think, and I can tell you he takes like two bathes a day, and ugly... I don't think. But that's personal. I don't know this story.

What music do you like?
I'm not radical. I listen to everything that can offers me something knew, that tastes good. I like rock, country, pagode, brazilian funk, opera, I don't have any prejudgement. Apart from heavy metal, which I don't like.

What do you miss from Brazil?
I had a fear that I would make no friends. It was only my mom, and my brother and I. I miss my family and my friends.

What's your favorite Guns song?
That's Called The Blues and Patience.

Is Axl happy?
Yes! He gets angry when people are pity for him, when people think he's sad. He is happy!

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Odp: Wywiad z Fernando (2001)
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Listopada 12, 2010, 09:25:10 pm »
Ale dla kogo ten wywiad?Dla jakiegoś anglika? :D.To jest "POLSKIE" forum. :D

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Odp: Wywiad z Fernando (2001)
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Listopada 12, 2010, 09:38:24 pm »
Ciekawy wywiad. Odnoszę wrażenie, że Fernando trochę na siłę próbuje wybielić Axla ;)
If Slash does something, nobody knows it, like Snakepit, what's so good about that album? It's not on any MTV chart, nobody buys it, but Slash "is the key of GNR", "Guns is Slash and Axl"...
Ta, ChD przecież drugi rok z rzędu jest na pierwszym miejscu przebojów MTV :D
Pierwszy raz słyszę nazwę That's Called The Blues, w RIR3 Axl przedstawiał już ją jako The Blues. 

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Odp: Wywiad z Fernando (2001)
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Listopada 12, 2010, 09:49:00 pm »
Pierwszy raz słyszę nazwę That's Called The Blues, w RIR3 Axl przedstawiał już ją jako The Blues. 
"That's called The Blues" czyli "ta, którą nazywają The Blues". Przynajmniej tak ja to rozumiem :)
I'm sick to death of people saying we've made 11 albums that sounds exactly the same, infact, we've made 12 albums that sounds exactly the same  - Angus Young

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Odp: Wywiad z Fernando (2001)
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Listopada 12, 2010, 10:04:02 pm »
Jakby tak było to chyba by nie pisali tego z wielkich liter, poza tym z kontekstu tak wynika :P

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Odp: Wywiad z Fernando (2001)
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Listopada 12, 2010, 10:05:04 pm »
Ten fragment kiedy mówi o Slashu, mogę się założyć, że przyjaciel Slasha zgoniłby wszystko na Axla. A teraz pewnie się zacznie kilkustronicowa utarczka na Forum fani Axla vs fani Slasha.

Offline el_loko

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Odp: Wywiad z Fernando (2001)
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Listopada 12, 2010, 10:25:28 pm »
Ciekawy wywiad. Odnoszę wrażenie, że Fernando trochę na siłę próbuje wybielić Axla ;)
If Slash does something, nobody knows it, like Snakepit, what's so good about that album? It's not on any MTV chart, nobody buys it, but Slash "is the key of GNR", "Guns is Slash and Axl"...
Ta, ChD przecież drugi rok z rzędu jest na pierwszym miejscu przebojów MTV :D
Pierwszy raz słyszę nazwę That's Called The Blues, w RIR3 Axl przedstawiał już ją jako The Blues. 
Wiesz, w czasach Snakepita generalnie sprzedawalo sie wiecej plyt niz obecnie... Tak samo jak za czasow AFD itd.

The Blues to pewnie była robocza nazwa...

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Odp: Wywiad z Fernando (2001)
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Listopada 13, 2010, 11:45:57 am »

hej, fajny ten wywiad. Strasznie fajnie sie go czyta, bo kto jak kto, ale Nando jest naprawde bliska osoba Axl'a. Oczywiscie, ze z jego strony nie padnie zadna krytyka wobec Axl'a no bo  z jakiej racji, w koncu to jego przyjaciel, a za przyjacielem sie stoi murem. musimy sobie przecedzic to przec palce, ale i tak duzo ciekawostek z zycia prywatnego nam tutaj sprzedaje, a to rzadkosc.

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Odp: Wywiad z Fernando (2001)
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Listopada 13, 2010, 03:17:54 pm »
 :sorcerer:thx za wywiad, i za wklejenie oryginalnej wersji a nie tlumaczena!
GNR fan since 1993


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