Autor Wątek: Slynne mowy Axla  (Przeczytany 13483 razy)

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Offline DrDrei

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Slynne mowy Axla
« dnia: Stycznia 10, 2008, 01:05:18 am »
6.4.92 Oklahoma City po Nightrain, a przed LALD:

"Do you believe all the shit you read? Do you ever wonder why you're given so much shit to read? You're given a lot of shit to read because there's a lot of fuckin' people out there who I don't think I should even give them a credit to say that they're very conscious of that what they're doing. But it's mainly because they don't want things like this concert here in Oklahoma to fuckin' happen. There's a lot of people who don't know why they do things but some of the reasons behind that -they don't want the people like you that are here tonight to see some little loudmouth fucker like me who crawled out of some shithole somewhere and worked his way upon to the stage. They don't want, there's something out there that doesn't want people like you to realize that you can do whatever the fuck you want with your goddamn life. (...) You do it their way or you don't do it. They can suck my dick. I believe that deep inside everybody, there's something inside you that knows what the fuck it is you're supposed to do with your life and no matter what anybody tells you if you keep looking and you keep digging -you gonna find it. And you can be the person you're fuckin' meant to be on this goddamn planet. And don't let anybody, anybody ever get in your way, including me."

o tych co narzekaja na ta sama setliste a nawet nie chodza na koncerty:

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

"Well, it appears that we're gonna have an interesting evening. You see the, city council and the promoters say we have to like end the show. And they'll say that I'm... they could say maybe I'm enciting a riot. Now I'm not 'cause I don't want anyone to get arrested or anyone to get in trouble or anything like that. But I think we got a good 7 or 8 fucking songs left at least to play for you. And I didn't fucking come all the way to fucking England to be told to go back fucking home by some fucking asshole! All I've got for the last 8 years is shit after shit after shit in the fucking press and Axl's this, Axl's that - I'm here to play a fucking show and I wanna play!"

a teraz to samo na wideo:
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

o pismakach ktorzy pisza gownoprawde zeby zarabiac kase

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

3.8.91 Inglewood, CA

Axl przed LALD: Wiedzielismy ze Paul McCartney ma problemy finansowe wiec nagralismy ten cover na plyte zeby mogl splacic dlugi

24.11.02 Cleveland, OH

Zapowiadajac Richarda opowiedzial o jego pierwszym przesluchaniu jako gitarzysty GNR. Potem Richard wrocil do domu i na lotnisku ktos do niego podszedl i powiedzial:Izzy,dasz mi autograf. Axl potraktowal to jako dobry omen i zatrudnil Richarda.

(rzeczywiscie kilka osob juz pomylilo Richarda z Izzym)

5.12.02 MSG, NY

Zadedykowal KOHD wydarzeniom z 11 wrzesnia i powiedzial ze NY to najpotezniejsze miasto na swiecie.

  "Izzy, myslalem, ze odszedles z zespolu" (Download Festival 2006)

"Milo tu byc, wlasciwie to nie mialem wyboru, moglem byc albo tu albo w wiezieniu" Hartwall Areena, Helsinki (2006)

dla tych co lubia dlugie ranty w oryginale

z 2006:

2.6 rock am ring przed KOHD -"Ta piosenka nie zostala napisana przez Davida Hasselhoffa" (zdaje mi sie ze z niego sie podobnie nabijaja jak z chucka n.)

25.7 birmingham - "Hey, hey, hey! Hey, security, calm the fuck down! Hey, no, stop, stop, stop. What the fuck's wrong with you guys down here? What's wrong? No, no... These security guys, you guys are outta control. What? The guy was having some fun so you got to beat him up? These guys gotta go. They're out of here.

31.5 budapeszt o KOHD -"to ta piosenka Bon Jovi"

4.6 mediolan -po tym jak zobaczyl transparent "Axl jest bogiem" powiedzial:"Dzieki ale nie jestem bogiem. Gdybym byl bogiem, 3/4 z was bylyby dziewczynami, a reszta bylaby pizza i piwem"

o KOHD "stary kawalek Pavarottiego"

21.7 glasgow po tym jak fani wkurwiali sie ze graja za dlugie solo miedzy utworami "To nie Macdonalds czy Burger King.To nie jest koncert na ktorym mozesz zamowic sobie co chcesz" 

16.9 las vegas, Axl mowi o dzieciakach Paula McCartneya ktore mialy powiedziec "Hej, tato, to super ze grasz cover kawalka GNR"

Jakies komentarze? A moze macie inne swoje ulubione "ranty" Axla?
« Ostatnia zmiana: Stycznia 10, 2008, 11:21:06 am wysłana przez DrDrei »
[size=3.75pt]GUNS AND ROSES[/size]

[size=3.75pt]la banda mas peligrosa del planeta[/size]

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Stycznia 10, 2008, 01:33:22 am »
Kierownik lubił dużo gadać na koncertach ale trudno to spamiętać. Ostatnio co zapadło mi w pamięc gdy oglądałem 2006-09-23 KRQO, pisane ze słuchu więc trochę łamana angielszczyzna:

"It's all your fault you know. You're the one who are responsibble for putting this song on gig you downloading son of a bitches. That's the fact. That's my story and im sticking to it".

2010-10-13 I 2012-05-31 London O2 Arena
2010-06-20 Gdańsk

Offline DrDrei

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Stycznia 10, 2008, 11:24:36 am »
pamietam to dobrze, mam ten koncert i na audio i na wideo i na zywo go ogladalem :D dobrze napisales

zreszta rant z oklahomy tez spisywalem ze sluchu z boota -przed chwila wlasnie usunalem literowke...

ja tylko zaluje ze nie gadal tyle na koncertach w 2006/07 co kiedys...
[size=3.75pt]GUNS AND ROSES[/size]

[size=3.75pt]la banda mas peligrosa del planeta[/size]

Offline Ella

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Stycznia 10, 2008, 01:34:22 pm »

ja tylko zaluje ze nie gadal tyle na koncertach w 2006/07 co kiedys...

Bo dawniej był bardziej nakręcony, i przez to miał lepszy "słowotok"  :D

Spodobało mi się to, że zamieniłby facetow na pizze i piwo....... chciał przez to pokazac , ze dałby sam wszystkiemu radę - 1 na milion  :_:
« Ostatnia zmiana: Stycznia 10, 2008, 01:38:23 pm wysłana przez Ella »

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Stycznia 10, 2008, 03:06:58 pm »
Spodobało mi się to, że zamieniłby facetow na pizze i piwo....... chciał przez to pokazac , ze dałby sam wszystkiemu radę - 1 na milion  :_:
Ellu, ale tak każdy facet by tak zrobił :D no, może zostawił by ze dwóch by z nimi pić xD

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Stycznia 10, 2008, 10:16:59 pm »
Ellu, ale tak każdy facet by tak zrobił :D no, może zostawił by ze dwóch by z nimi pić xD

A ja durnota myślałam, że tylko Axla na takie zadufanie stac !?  :radocha:

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Stycznia 11, 2008, 10:15:48 am »
Mi najbardziej podobało się przemówienie Z Chicago z 92 roku.

Offline mafioso

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Stycznia 11, 2008, 12:37:12 pm »
A mi się podobało przemówienie z Paryża przed "Double Talkin' Jive", o Warrenie Beatym, który wyrywał mu w tym czasie Stefanię.

Końcówka szła jakoś tak: "So listen homefuck. If you think Madonna kicked your ass, I bet my money on your neck, you stupid fuckin' asshole. This is the song called Double Talkin' Jive Motherfucker"
« Ostatnia zmiana: Stycznia 11, 2008, 12:41:59 pm wysłana przez mafioso »

Offline DrDrei

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Stycznia 11, 2008, 03:47:36 pm »
Mi najbardziej podobało się przemówienie Z Chicago z 92 roku.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

A mi się podobało przemówienie z Paryża przed "Double Talkin' Jive", o Warrenie Beatym, który wyrywał mu w tym czasie Stefanię.

Końcówka szła jakoś tak: "So listen homefuck. If you think Madonna kicked your ass, I bet my money on your neck, you stupid fuckin' asshole. This is the song called Double Talkin' Jive Motherfucker"

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>
[size=3.75pt]GUNS AND ROSES[/size]

[size=3.75pt]la banda mas peligrosa del planeta[/size]

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: Stycznia 11, 2008, 05:37:58 pm »
A ktoś słyszał jak sobie żartował z Clintona, który rzekomo się nie zaciągał ganją? :D
I don't believe in the existence of angels
But looking at you I wonder if that's true

Offline DrDrei

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: Marca 21, 2008, 12:06:06 am »
z - ktos wie skad ten cytat pochodzi?

If I didn't give a fuck about our fans, I'd come out and do a shitty show. I'd come out and tell 'em to fuck off. I'd sit down, sing the songs off-key and just not care. But I do care, and I also care too much about myself to do that. It's confusing to me that people go, 'Well, I have to work in the morning.' If you were getting laid, you wouldn't be so worried about what time it was. I know it's complicated, but so is getting onstage. And I'm sorry. I try to make it up by coming out and doing a good show and explaining as much as I can about what was going on in my head and why we weren't there      -Axl
[size=3.75pt]GUNS AND ROSES[/size]

[size=3.75pt]la banda mas peligrosa del planeta[/size]

Offline mafioso

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: Marca 25, 2008, 03:19:36 pm »
A ktoś słyszał jak sobie żartował z Clintona, który rzekomo się nie zaciągał ganją? :D

To było w Seattle w 92' roku. No kiedyś miał gadane. Ciekawe czy on to sobie czasem przemyślał przed występem czy gadał co mu ślina na język przyniesie.

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: Marca 25, 2008, 04:01:40 pm »
    * "Well....thanks to the lame ass security, I'm going home!"
          o Riverport Amphitheatre, St. Louis, Missouri, (USA) (July 2 1991)

    * We had our share of problems with so called "alternative bands". What is this word? I mean, I can't find myself using it, "alternative", like someone who live's an alternative lifestyle.All that I know is that, when Guns N' Roses started ain't no fucking radio station wanted to play our shit either. Ain't no radio station wanted to play Metallica. So I think we have the world's biggest alternative crowd here tonight. I think that the problem starts, when you start thinkin' that you're different from everybody else on this fucking planet. It may be a lil' different from what you're doing so how you gonna 'bout doing it, but I've got a good feeling that you're probably a human being. Right? You're probably a human being? And so righ now alternative, the only thing that means to me, is someone like Kurt Cobain and Nirvana, who basically is a fucking junkey with a junkey wife. (...) And he's to good and to cool to bring his Rock N' Roll to you because the majority of you he doesn't like or want to play to you. Is a general feeling among alternative bands, and the don't want the majority of people even liking them. They Like it on the outside.

    * I didn't come all the way to fucking England to be told to go back fucking home, by some fucking ASSHOLE!
          o Temple Newsam Park, Leeds (England) (August 23, 2002)

    * I was in this restaurant-bar and there was this girl. And she seemed to be excited. And then they wanted an autograph. And then we finished eating and they wanted to talk. And then she proceeded to rip me a new asshole. I was like, where the fuck do you get this? And she said "I read the internet, I know what's going on". Yeah, there's a fucking reliable source there. But then again, I find out what's happening in my own band on the internet. I'm like "did you know this?" and then I call someone and I go "fuck, I didn't know that" and the other guy goes "oh yeah, I knew that". Happens all the time. It's a handy tool, the internet.
          o Mellon Arena, Pittsburgh (November 22, 2002)

    * I read something somewhere. Someone was writing an article about my other friends. And they wrote this thing about how "in the old days they used to have a lot of problems, technical errors in the band, Izzy couldn't hear himself". The reason that Izzy couldn't hear himself is our roadies would stand behind Izzy's amps. Because Izzy would be so whacked out of his mind that he would basically be playing a different song in a different key. And the only way we could do the songs was every time he would go to his amps he would turn his amps up and he would turn around to the crowd. When he would turn around to the crowd, the roadies would reach around and turn his amps back down so that we could play the song. That worked especially well in Tel Aviv.
          o Fleet Center, Boston (December 2, 2002)

    * You downloading motherfuckers!
          o Hammerstein Ballroom (2006)
          o When the crowd was singing along to the illegaly released leaked track "IRS".

    * I'm melting! I'm melting! It's the sun you see. I don't see that very often. Don't normally make it out this time of day.
          o RDS Arena, Dublin (2006)

    * Its nice to be here, actually i didn't have much choice really, it was either here or in *jail
          o Hartwall Areena, Helsinki (2006) * - almost put in jail in Sweden a few days earlier

    * Izzy, I thought you left the band.
          o Download Festival (2006)

LA Coliseum, Los Angeles (October 18, 1989)

    * I hate to do this onstage, but I've tried every other fucking way. Unless certain people in this band get their shit together, these will be the last Guns N' Roses shows you'll fucking ever see. Because I'm tired of too many people in this organization dancing with Mr. God Damn Brownstone.

    * No Barney's a fag...Ugh, I mean Barney's a pussy.
          o When asked, by kids, if his fancy dress dinosaur costume was of Barney

[edit] House of Blues, Las Vegas (January 1, 2001)

    * I have traversed a treacherous sea of horrors to be with you here tonight.

    * Good morning. I just woke up, I've been taking a nap for about eight years.

    * The emotion in this next song, that's all that it's about. It's not like an intelligent song, it doesn't have the answer to anything. But it's the title track of the record which, God willing, we will finish. And it's not necessarily pro or con about China. It's just that right now China symbolizes one of the strongest, yet most oppressive countries and governments in the world. And we are fortunate to live in a free country. And so in thinking about that, it just kind of upset me. So we wrote this little song called "Chinese Democracy".

    * So Thursday night was the first night I ever like, sang a set with these guys. It was the first time I like, sang a set in eight years. I had a little bit of an emotional problem doing the old stuff, I had to work through it. I don't know, I was a little worried. Because see, there was a rehearsal. Then we had some kind of a setlist. Then I actually went to soundcheck. That's a first for all three of those in fifteen years. I was afraid that might jinx the show. Like baseball players wearing different socks or something, I could fuck things up.

[edit] Rock in Rio III, Rio de Janeiro (January 15, 2001)

    * I know that many of you are disappointed that some of the people that you came to know and love could not be with us here today. Regardless of what you have heard or read, people worked very hard (meaning my former friends) to do everything they could so that I could not be here today. I say fuck that. I am as hurt and disappointed as you that, unlike Oasis, we could not find a way to all get along.

    * We've only done one show before this, and already we have been criticized for playing the old songs. But I have no intention, and I never did, of denying you something you enjoy.

    * I used to go on the Internet. But the Internet seems to be like a big garbage can. So I don't read the things that they say on the internet anymore. And that goes for your comments too Renato (brazilian music critic), and Xozy (female fan running the now defunct website, and anyone else who likes to think that they know what's going on but have no idea.

    * I would like to say without the love and support of one person above all others, I would not be here today. In America, for the last seven years, I have been supported by, and taken care of, and looked out for. The band has been taken care of. She has walked every step of the way through rehearsals, recording, contracts, and what a pain in the fucking ass I am. I've been taken care of for the last seven years by a Brazillian family. This is Elizabeth (Beta), my assistant, and her three amazing children Alex, Vanessa, and Fernando. She has been a mother to me, my manager, my other assistants, and anyone in the band ever needed her at any time. I thank her, and I thank all of you for her.

Więcej nie znalazłem ;)

« Ostatnia zmiana: Marca 25, 2008, 04:03:51 pm wysłana przez Slither »

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: Lipca 16, 2008, 01:33:51 am »
Tokyo, 2.22.92

Przed "Estranged":

Ta wesoła piosenka przypomina spacer po parku... słońce zagląda rankiem do twojego okna... piękny dzień... nie masz nic lepszego do zrobienia, jak popełnić harakiri...

Offline DrDrei

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Odp: Slynne mowy Axla
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: Stycznia 15, 2010, 02:41:59 am »
Albany 27.11.2002

Axl: Now I was uh, perusing. I was reading all about my integrity, cause that's what I'm known for I guess; selling out my integrity. That's why I'm here with you now, cause I just don't give a fuck at this. Yeah, that's why we worked real hard at this, that's why these guys worked real hard at being in a band that they can get abused for, "because they're the guys in the way of stopping the old band of getting together." That's horseshit. I'm not trying to bum anybody out, but, you know, I was thinking about it. I'm pretty blunt so people get real pissed. And I haven't done a lot of talking on this tour. I'll shut up real soon don't worry. You know, I tried acting nice and that just ends up fucking me right up the ass. They take advantage of that. 'Axl said something nice so how can we use that to our advantage?' The truth is they didn't want to be here for you at this level and they don't want to take it farther. I mean, that's their business right? But not at my expense or yours. You've been played. You've been lied too. You've been used. You've been manipulated so that they can ride around in limos and jam with Snoop Dogg or whoever the fuck. Y'know,I don't care, that's their business. But they shouldn't really do it at your expense or mine. Now as soon as I say this it'll be on an MP3, someone will transcribe it , and the next person will say "Can you believe Axl said that? I mean my god. I mean he hasn't put out a record. I don't know why he would say that. I mean who does he think he is? That's not very nice. The other guys, they have gotten over it and they're his friends now and they're willing to be his friends and he just needs to grow up." I'm sorry. I'm a little bit more blunt. I mean Slash may sound like a De La Hoya, but he's the fuckin Vargas. That's just how it is. And just because he's got a bunch of guys agreeing doesn't mean shit. The truth is that they're a bunch of bad cops and I'm the fuckin Serpico and they can suck my dick! "You know without Axl and Slash we wouldn't have November Rain and Estranged'. Well you don't know what the fuck I went through to get that guy to play those songs. You don't know about the argument we had at A&M studios, because Duff and Slash came to me going "We're not gonna do that song, we're not gonna do this song, no, no, we're just not gonna do it." But I wanna do it. We'll do it right now. This song is called "Patience".


Mediolan, 4.6.2006

Axl po tym jak zobaczyl transparent z napisem: "Moglabym byc twoja" i numerem telefonu, powiedzial: "Daj mi chwile na zapamietanie numeru"

no i Tajwan, 2009

Axl: Bob asked me: when you gonna record that song?
and I said: I don't know, we really love that song and he said:
I don't give a fuck I just want the money

true story
[size=3.75pt]GUNS AND ROSES[/size]

[size=3.75pt]la banda mas peligrosa del planeta[/size]


Doswiadczenia zyciowe Axla w Estranged (interpretacja)

Zaczęty przez DrDrei

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Ostatnia wiadomość Lipca 28, 2007, 12:14:17 pm
wysłana przez Zqyx