mafi :
Nie piszesz, to nic się nie dzieje

Założę się, że jakbyś miał dostęp to by działo się sporo

Dear Nightrain Members,
We have been reading your comments and concerns over at and want to address some issues that have been of concern for some time now.
First, if you're receiving this, we have extended your Nightrain membership by 3 months. This is to keep your access going, allowing you to maintain a connection with other fans and support for while we work to create new packages for the current membership year.
Second, we are working to provide more exclusive content for members to benefit from in the near future to make the site fully interactive, and solid for years to come.
Finally, we're working to create opportunities to bring you closer to the band and to enjoy the muti-media experience you expect from the best band on the planet.
This may take a little time, but know that we hear you loud and clear, appreciate your patience, and will make every effort to make the changes you need to better enjoy this exclusive club.
To kick things off, we're running a contest for a Guns N' Roses Beach Towel! ENTER NOW!