Dokładnie tak jak mówisz

Ja miałem taki przypadek z Breakdown, gdy jeszcze miełem kasete UYI II. Podczas słuchania na magnetofonie w ogóle nie było słychac koncowego urywku tekstu. A na innym sprzęcie juz było słychac
"There goes the challenger being chased
By the blue blue meanies on wheels
The vicious traffic squad cars are
After our lone driver
The last American hero
The-the electric sintar
The demi-god,
The super driver of the golden west!
Two nasty Nazi cars are close behind
The beautiful lone driver
The police cars are getting closer-closer...
Closer to our soul hero in his soul mobile- Yeah baby!
They about to strike, They gonna get him, Smash! Rape!
The last beautiful free soul on this planet is writen if the Evil Spirit
Arms the Tiger with claws
Brahman provided wings for the Dove
Thus spake the Super Guru"
"Did you hear that"