Autor Wątek: Ciekawostki  (Przeczytany 820218 razy)

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« Odpowiedź #1350 dnia: Października 14, 2013, 07:14:23 pm »
Adler to generalnie żydowskie nazwisko, więc już to mniej więcej podejrzewałam, ale nie wiedziałam, że to nazwisko męża jego matki, (bo na dobrą sprawę nie wiadomo z powyższych zdań czy jego ojciec to tylko partner matki czy pierwszy mąż).
"Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy, or are you gonna bite?"

"There's no place like the jungle run by Mr. Axl Rose, and there never will

Offline ricardoelpaso

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« Odpowiedź #1351 dnia: Października 14, 2013, 07:33:09 pm »
mozliwe ze w jego autobiografii jest odp, bo takie zrodlo cytuje ang.wikipedia
Tym forum rzadzi banda sfrustrowanych, chamskich smarkaczy

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Odp: Ciekawostki
« Odpowiedź #1352 dnia: Października 17, 2013, 10:45:09 pm »
Todd Kerns o nowym albumie Konspiratorów (z bloga):

Yet here I am back in the city of Guns N Roses’ birth in the earliest stages of the birth of the new Conspirators album. So bizarrely familiar that I have to ask myself what day, week, month or year it is. 2 years ago at this time we were doing this very thing. Slash, Fitzy and I locked in a room without sunlight or even the hint of a window volleying music back and forth to one another until it begins to form a solid arrangement. I think we’ve gotten quite skilled at this. I think we had a knack for it the first time we attempted this 2 years ago. It’s something we’ve all been doing all of our lives. Now we do this together.

The riffs are strong and unrelenting. For my part I find myself referencing John Paul Jones and Bob Daisley. For the uninitiated that would be mean there are hints of Zeppelin and early Ozzy in there but that’s only by my subjective placement within this machine.
It always starts as a living, breathing foundation for Myles Kennedy to do what he does so very well on top. He turns riffs and grooves into songs. He is a magician, an artisan at this as shown on the new Alter Bridge album which is stellar.

Offline ricardoelpaso

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« Odpowiedź #1353 dnia: Października 18, 2013, 05:44:13 pm »
Nie... chodzi mi o tego gościa na którego podstawie powstał film Zodiak...

tu jest na Spaghetti:

a tu ten kod:

o ile pamiętam to do dziś nie ustalono jego tożsamości... ale mogę się mylić  :rolleyes:

co ciekawe rozwiazanie znalazl fan na forum po 15 latach

zwlaszcza ciekawe bo

Duff nie wiedzial ze wogole taki napis na okladce jest, a Slash wiedzial co znaczy, ale zapomnial  :P

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Odp: Ciekawostki
« Odpowiedź #1354 dnia: Października 18, 2013, 07:00:24 pm »

Offline ricardoelpaso

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Odp: Ciekawostki
« Odpowiedź #1355 dnia: Października 20, 2013, 11:49:41 am »
to samo tylko ze przetlumaczone na angielski
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Odp: Ciekawostki
« Odpowiedź #1356 dnia: Października 21, 2013, 12:00:12 am »
Coś dla fanów Skid Row :P

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

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Odp: Ciekawostki
« Odpowiedź #1357 dnia: Października 27, 2013, 12:23:55 am »

Offline cravenciak

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« Odpowiedź #1358 dnia: Listopada 03, 2013, 09:45:40 pm »

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Odp: Ciekawostki
« Odpowiedź #1359 dnia: Listopada 04, 2013, 06:55:11 pm »
Fragment wywiadu gitarzysty A Perfect Circle/Ashes Divide Billy Howerdel'a. Głownie opowiada o A Perfect Circle, ale jest jeden fragment kiedy mówi o Axlu:

Q: Kind of switching topics real quick, you worked on the Guns N’ Roses album Chinese Democracy for 2 and a half years in the late 90′s, primarily working on a computer with Axl Rose. I read you talking about that a little bit, but the process of making that album still fascinates me. What was actually going on there every day? I know you talked about being there at night with Axl, and the band being in there during the day. Was new material constantly being written, or was material getting reworked all the time? Like I love “There Was A Time,” you actually have a production credit on that. Was the version you were working on actually different than what was released 10 years later. What was going on there?

A: Yeah, a lot of exploration. On the bad side of it I’d say there was a paralyzed by choices situation. I think on the good side there was just a ferocious approach to wanting this to be the best record possible. Axl is completely driven in that way, he takes it probably more seriously than I think I’ve ever seen anyone take music. He takes it to a more serious place than I’ve ever seen anyone take it. I learned a lot from that, I owe a lot of my studio work ethic to that job. Some things what to do, some things what not to do. I found that I just wanted to sprint and go full focused with A Perfect Circle in the beginning. I left the Guns N’ Roses camp in like September 1999, and we had finished our mix of A Perfect Circle’s record in like January 2000, so there was only like 4 months difference. I really needed to go, it was just time, I had this opportunity and I needed to do it. But I have to say Axl was extremely supportive of APC in the beginning. That was really cool, I got a lot of validation and moving forward from his approval I guess.

Offline ricardoelpaso

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Odp: Ciekawostki
« Odpowiedź #1361 dnia: Listopada 06, 2013, 08:30:17 pm »
Tym forum rzadzi banda sfrustrowanych, chamskich smarkaczy

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Odp: Ciekawostki
« Odpowiedź #1362 dnia: Listopada 07, 2013, 08:28:29 am »
Nagłośnienie firmy "Dynacord" :D

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Odp: Ciekawostki
« Odpowiedź #1363 dnia: Listopada 07, 2013, 09:16:25 am »
Kogoś poniosła fantazja przy tworzeniu :D
GN'R 11.07.12 | 20.06.17 | 09.07.18 | 20.06.22 | ...
SLASH 13.02.13 | 20.11.14 | 12.02.19 | 16.04.24
DUFF 12.06.14 | 22.08.19 | 13.10.24

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Odp: Ciekawostki
« Odpowiedź #1364 dnia: Listopada 07, 2013, 11:55:10 am »
O kurcze, biegalabym od sceny do sceny. To nie dla mnie, nie wiedzialabym co wybrac  :D

Ktos mial wizje, ciekawa jestem ile taki koncert by kosztowal. Ze 4 miliony  :P
« Ostatnia zmiana: Listopada 07, 2013, 12:54:16 pm wysłana przez Nata »


Ciekawostki zwiazane z Axlem

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