Autor Wątek: Guns N' Roses - INTERVIEWS CD's  (Przeczytany 1611 razy)

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Guns N' Roses - INTERVIEWS CD's
« dnia: Grudnia 29, 2013, 07:41:00 pm »
Nawiązując do tematu Witka ->
poszerzona wersja na 4 CD


CD1 (70 min)
interviews: really rare 1994 interview - Axl and Slash in the same room! They talk a lot about the spaghetty incident. Axl reveals a lot of stuff that we're still earing today for the chinese democracy. They answer to a bunch of fans questions. It's really cool! Then there's a great really early interview from 1986 - izzy talks a lot, they talk about the early years and "live like a suicide"!!! the Duff interview is about GN'R and Neurotic Outsiders - that interview is also translated in spanish, but you hear all the Duff answers.

01. Axl & Slash - Rockline (january 3rd 94) Time: 40:50
02. GN'R - KNAC (12.28.86) Time: 17:47
03. Duff - Argentina (8.28.96) Time: 11:01

CD2 (62 min)
interviews: Axl talks about the illusions, Izzy's departure, Steven Adler, and answers to fans questions. It's really cool to get to know Axl better…and Slash surprises everybody by calling the show as "saul" from pasadena! Lots of stuff is revealed - "right next door to hell" isn't about axl's neighbour, but about Steven Adler. you gotta have it to find out more, there's 62 minutes of axl talkin' non-stop!

01. 01-14 - Axl - Rockline (11.27.91) Time: 62:10

CD3 (67 min)
interviews: the Howard Stern shows are really hillarious!! Izzy talks a lot on the Rockline show which is really weird since he was always "on the shadow". That is show is really cool too. They answer to fans questions live.

01. Duff & Steven on Howard Stern Show (24.02.89) Time: 23:16
02. Axl and Sebastian Bach phone call on Howard Stern Show (1989) Time: 14:51
03. GN'R on Rockline - Izzy, Slash and Duff (11.07.1988) Time: 29:52

CD4 (69 min)
interviews: Slash and Lars talk about the GN'R/Metallica 92 tour, the St. Louis riot, and lots of more stuff. The Axl interview in Argentina was done live and is all translated in spanish. The London interview is great and talks about the history of GN'R, the club days and the making of Appetite - really cool!

01. Slash & Lars Ulrich - Rockline (7.13.92) Time: 43:02
02. Axl - Argentina (12.92) Time: 12:15
03. Axl & Slash - London (6.87) Time: 14:09

« Ostatnia zmiana: Grudnia 30, 2013, 10:59:18 am wysłana przez daub »


Guns N’ Roses - San Diego Sports Arena, San Diego, CA, 28.01.1992

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