Autor Wątek: Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses  (Przeczytany 7719 razy)

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 09:54:46 am »
Jest sobie bar w Nowym Jorku, w pewnym momencie wchodza Gunsi i zaczynaja grac - tak mniej wiecej wygladal prawdopodobnie wczorajszy wieczor, tak przynajmniej pisze Matt (Roadcrew)

"Okay... I can't really tell you how I found out or how I got on the
list without betraying a friend's confidence, but I got a call around 6
p.m. that Rosario Dawson, the actress from RENT, ALEXANDER, etc., was
having a birthday party tonight at a small club near my apartment that
I'm told is called Plum (I feel like an idiot but I honestly have never
seen a name on the marquee and now I can't find a club called Plum on, so I apologize if that's not right.) and that GN'R WERE
GOING TO PLAY. Some of my co-workers and I were able to get our names
on the list. I was told to keep my mouth shut b/c it was all supposed
to be a secret.

Anyways, I have been here once or twice before, and it's a pretty
small, chich nightclub. It has 2 floors and holds maybe 800, 900 people
tops - someone told me capacity is actually around 500 people, I don't
know how accurate that is and tonight, it was definately filled
wwwaaaayyyy beyond capacity. I don't mean to make light of a tragedy
but if God forbid there had been a  fire, it would have been The
Station x10.

So doors are at 11 p.m. and we show up around 12:30 a.m. and... we're
told we can't go in. Allegedly Axl got into a fight with a club goer (I
can't verify this) and they subsequently shut down the doors. Of ther
dozen or so people I was with, all but my friend Ken split. It was at
that point that Ken had the brilliant idea that maybe now they would
let us in since there was just 2 of us. We pleaded with a bouncer who
verified that we were actually on the list and - yes! - we were in.

Like I said, the place was packed, but we managed to find another good
friend who had a table up front near the stage. The joint was crawling
with celebrities: Kid Rock, Mickey Rourke, Eric Balfour, and God knows
who else. On the way up I heard buzz first that the original band was
there (which I knew was B.S.), and then buzz that it was just Axl and
Izzy and Matt Sorum (which seemed feasible in light of Axl's recently
making-nice with both former Gunners). I saw Dizzy wandering around
before we took our spot up front, maybe five or ten feet from where the
band was and right next to Del James.

The band finally came a little after 1 a.m. I think. The stage was
incredibly small and everyone surged forward to the point where tables
were knocked over; my legs and feet are currently soaked in champagne
and God knows what else. Anyway, Izzy and Matt were NOT there (or if
they were, they didn't play), and if Brain was there, I didn't see him,

But Axl, Robin, Richard, Tommy, Bumblefoot, Dizzy and Chris all took
the stage. Everyone played acoustically except Robin, who played a
semi-hollow Gibson, and Tommy, who played his usual bass; for KOHD,
Robin and Richard switched instruments. Chris and Dizzy played maracas,
congos, tambourines, and occasionally the keyboard, which was crammed
in the corner. Axl introduced the show as the "karaoke version" of GN'R
as a movie screen-sized monitor with all his lyrics was behind him
(BTW, I don't know about everyone else, but all this time I've thought
the lyric is I.R.S. was "All the legions," but it's actually "All the
reasons that you give, I'll follow you.") . Everyone seemed to be in a
great mood; they played some old tunes from LIES that they haven't done
since Slash was in the band, and Axl said they had learned the songs
just 20 minutes before arriving at the club. Before I.R.S., Axl asked
the band if they felt like trying it even though they hadn't rehearsed
it, and Tommy screamed out "I'm fucking fearless, I'll try anything!"
November Rain, for which only Robin did an electric solo, sounded
better than it did at the Hammerstein shows; Richard and especially
Bubmlefoot's acoustic solos just sounded astounding.

Needless to say, the whole place went apeshit... it was a really
intimate, really amazing show and a nice way to close out the week
after the 4 Hammerstein gigs. I don't remember the precise order of the
set list but here is what they played:

YOU'RE CRAZY (LIES version, not the APPETITE version)
NOVEMBER RAIN (Axl on keyboard)

I don't think I missed any songs; the whole show lasted a little over
an hour, maybe. At the end Axl came back out and said "I forgot to do
something b/c I'm a fucking idiot" before bringing Rosario Dawson out
on stage and leading the audience in a rendition of "Happy Birthday."
The Rosario grabbed the mike and went nuts - "THEY'VE NEVER PLAYED ALL
ROCK," etc.

Okay. I have work in the morning so I'm going to bed. If I forgot
anything I'll type more later...

a.k.a. The Luckiest Bastard in the World"

Zagrali akustyczny set lacznie z Used To Love Her, ktorego uczyli sie 20 minut wczesniej :D
O ile jest to prawda to jest wspaniala ;)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Maja 20, 2006, 10:54:36 am wysłana przez zqyx »

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 10:06:34 am »
omg! :D Used To Love Her! You're Crazy! :D
Świetnie ;-)
hehe niezły spontan :D
Czytam co Witek dał, a i tak połowy nie rozumiem ;P Ale to nic. Może w Polsce wejdą do jakiegoś pubu i sobie zagrają? :D

nowy nr gg : 12071320

Offline Kakula

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 10:25:34 am »
o fuck!
rodzyneczki: USED TO LOVE HER, YOU'RE CRAZY (LIES version, not the APPETITE version)
 zazdroszecze tym ludziom z co byli akurat

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 10:42:55 am »
czyli nuGNR mają już opanowaną całą Apetitkę  
...jeśli powyższy komentarz wydaje Ci się zbyt poważny, to zmień zdanie.
Warszawa 15.07.06, Praga 27.09.10, Rybnik 11.07.12, Gdańsk 20.06.17
13.02.13, 12.02.19, 16.04.24

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 11:25:19 am »
WoW jesli to niezle...ale trzeba do tego newsa podchodzic z rezerwa...


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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 01:32:59 pm »
no ludzie to jest prawda !
sprawdze sobie te fotki

i niech jeszcze ktos powie ze to nie jest zespol ! chlopaki sie niezle bawia a nadodatek sie rozkrecili i przestac grac im sie nie chce  :D  

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 02:09:52 pm »
zarąbiście :D  
[size=3.75pt]Zaprawde powiadam ci,nie ogladaj sygnaturki Kali...[/size]

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 06:24:50 pm »
fajnie za zagrali kilka wczesniej nie granych przez ten skład utworów, to musiał byc fajny koncercik co widac zreszta na fotkach.

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 07:23:29 pm »
A no z tego co pisze Matt wynika że był nawet więcej niż świetny ,dzieki takim informacją widać że w zespole panuje miła atmosfera , oby tak dalej :)
Pamiętaj, że wszystko, co uczynisz w życiu, zostawi jakiś ślad. Dlatego miej świadomość tego, co robisz...

Offline Kakula

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 07:41:52 pm »
mam nadzieje ze bedzie z tego video, bo jak widac na zdjeciach ktos nagrywal kamerka

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 08:32:53 pm »
Ja chce chociaz audio z tego koncertu....  B)  

[size=3.75pt]Najbardziej odczujesz brak jakiejś osoby,
kiedy będziesz siedział obok niej
i będziesz wiedział, że ona nigdy nie będzie twoja

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 08:41:51 pm »
Super wiadomość :D

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 08:48:30 pm »

Offline rose84

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 08:56:31 pm »
The Rosario grabbed the mike and went nuts - "THEY'VE NEVER PLAYED ALL
ROCK," etc.

Jakie pozytywne słowa o Axl`u.
Poza tym przypuszczam, że ta solówka na gitarze do NR (plus pianino i głos Axl`a) wywarała ogromne wrażenie. ;)

Ten koncert musiał być naprawdę świetny.
Super fotki i ten "nowy" styl Axl`a...odjazd! :D
« Ostatnia zmiana: Maja 19, 2006, 09:04:38 pm wysłana przez rose84 »

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Plumm, New York, Guns N' Roses
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: Maja 19, 2006, 09:12:30 pm »
no i to mi się podoba!!!  


17.05.2006 New York Hammerstein Ballroom

Zaczęty przez JuJu_Hound

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Ostatnia wiadomość Maja 21, 2006, 12:15:12 pm
wysłana przez nightrain