Nie wiem,czy to juz gdzies było
06.15.2006 - Warszawa, Poland, Legia Stadium
audience: 12,000
audio/video recording: audio, video
set: Think About You, Patience, Nightrain, Paradise City
info: Before My Michelle Axl introduced a friend of the band and the whole stadium started Izzy chant but it wasn't Izzy's turn - at this time Sebastian Bach joined the stage. But after that Axl introduced Izzy and the whole stadium went crazy, screaming: "Izzy, Izzy..." for a long time. Stradlin just waved his hand to say welcome and they started to play Think About You with Iz playing the main solo just like he did on the Appetite For Destruction album. After that people started the Izzy chant again. During Patience when Axl sang: "I sit here on the stairs, cause I rather be alone...", he came to Izzy and they were smiling together. After Nightrain Stradlin left the stage but later he was back for the last song of the show - Paradise City. Izzy was in a great mood, he was smiling to the fans and was looking like having a good time.